这次问卷调查,也收到了高等学校科技人员许多宝贵意见和建议,这些意见和建议主要归纳如下: 1.有相当的科研人员提出“人们对中国的专利制度究竟能否保护发明是有怀疑的,主要的担心是:权(或者关系)大于法,在纠纷仲裁中要切实做到依法处理才能建立专利法的威信”,从问卷调查看,有35.1%的科技人员认为专利法对技术拥有主的法律保护作用不大甚至无保护作用。
The questionnaire also received many valuable comments and suggestions from the scientific and technological personnel of higher education institutions. These opinions and suggestions are summarized as follows: 1. There are quite a few researchers who have put forward the question of whether people are suspicious of whether China's patent system can protect the invention , The main concern is: the right (or relationship) is greater than the law, in the dispute arbitration to effectively deal with the law to establish the prestige of the patent law, "from the survey, 35.1% of the scientific and technical personnel that the patent law on technology owners The legal protection of little or no protection.