中国一些城市住宅价格畸高,堪称世界一怪。老百姓都喊房价高,官员、经济学家也喊房价高,房价成了热话题。 房价高怪什么?见仁见智,说法不一,其中一种是说地价高了。尤其今年,这种说法十分流行。市民说房地产商说官员说,新闻媒体也跟着说。有官员还查根究底地分析了一番,说房价高是因为地价
Some cities in China are unusually high housing prices, the world can be called a strange. People are shouting high prices, officials, economists also call high prices, prices have become a hot topic. High prices blame what? Different opinion, different opinions, one of which is that land prices high. Especially this year, this argument is very popular. Citizens said real estate agents said officials also followed the news media. Some officials also thoroughly analyzed some, saying that the high prices because of land prices