十月金秋,人们沉浸在建国三十五周年庆典活动的欢乐中。第六届全国美术作品展览会,也在改革的浪潮中,以空前的规模、清新的面目来向人们报告美术战线取得的丰硕成果。十月一日起,第六届全国美展的3723件作品,分十五个品种在九大城市同时展出,给节日增添了色彩和生气。 现在就请以下见位同志带我们到九个展点作一次巡
In the autumn of October, people are immersed in the joy of celebrating the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The 6th National Exhibition of Fine Arts Works is also reporting to the people the fruitful achievements of the art front in an unprecedented wave of reform and the unprecedented scale and freshness. Starting from October 1, 3723 works of the 6th National Art Exhibition, with 15 different varieties on display in nine major cities, have added color and vitality to the festival. Now please see the following comrades took us to nine exhibition points for a tour