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  You may long for the old Boston Garden and its parquet floor. You may miss the short shorts of John Havlicek and Larry Bird. But the championship banners - all 17 of them - are still here in this newer arena called TD Garden, and they tell the story of one of the most iconic franchises in sports.
  But I didn’t come for history.
  Instead, I wanted to know how the N.B.A. has become the Netflix of sports properties, a league whose players are helping transform the way sports are being bought, sold and consumed in much the same way the streaming services have changed entertainment.
  In the land of likes and#hashtags and stories, LeBron, K.D., Kyrie and their peers are usually just seconds away from going viral. The N.B.A. and its stars have pumped out a staggering amount of content across social media platforms:Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat. So far this season, the league claims, it has had one billion actions such as likes or shares and two billion views of video highlight packages or player proclamations on these platforms.
  No one has ever accused the Celtics of being hip, nor the city itself of welcoming progress with open arms. The Boston Globe recently published a multipart series on the city’s troubled racial past and present. And the Celtics haven’t harnessed the power of social media as aggressively and creatively as, say, the Atlanta Hawks or Portland Trail Blazers.
  Yet even the hidebound Celtics are trying to jump on board.
  "On the surface, we are a traditional old-school brand,” said Rich Gotham, the Celtics’president,“but underneath we are quite evolved."
  The team’s ownership group, led by chairman Wyc Grousbeck, is composed of private-equity veterans. Fifteen years ago, the group bought the Celtics for$360 million, a bargain. They not only wanted to hang another championship banner here — the last had come in 1986 - but also sought to unlock the value in what had become a moribund franchise.   主席維科·格罗斯贝克领头,凯尔特人的所有者是一群私人股权投资者。15年前,这些人用3.6亿美元这个优惠的价格买下了凯尔特人。他们想的不仅是再升起一面总冠军旗帜——当时最近一次夺冠还是1986年——他们还想解锁一个濒死球队的全部价值。
  Enter Gotham, a tech executive, charged with identifying the team’s consumers and making it easy for them to fall in love again with the Celtics. It helped that money guys and tech evangelists were becoming part of other N.B.A. franchises as well as the league’s front office.

  Their goal was to push the N.B.A. past the N.F.L. in popularity and, yes, make a ton of money.
  When the Celtics were losing, it meant employing "dynamic pricing," otherwise known as dropping the cost of tickets to put fannies in the seat. When the team was winning, it meant presenting at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference about the role of advanced analytics in the Celtics’success.
  Both here in Boston, and around the league, executives came to the conclusion that their most valuable asset was a generation of basketball players who were bigger, faster and more talented than those who came before. Players who also cared deeply about how they dressed, what music they listened to and what was going on in the world.
  Even better, these players had come of age with smartphones and social media and were eager to broadcast their tastes and opinions to whoever was listening.
  "We have thoughtful, socially conscious and digitally savvy players," Gotham said. "All we needed to do is turn them loose."
  Imagine hearing that from the Patriots owner Robert Kraft across town, or Jerry Jones in Dallas, or any N.F.L. executive.
  No one in the N.B.A.’s league office flinches when LeBron James wears one black and one white shoe with the word "equality" written on them, as he did on Sunday in a game against the Washington Wizards in the shadow of the White House. He then posted a photograph of them on Instagram, which quickly garnered more than one million likes.   当勒布朗·詹姆斯周日在白宫所在地华盛顿与奇才的比赛中穿上一只黑,一只白,写着“平等”字样的球鞋上场比赛时,联盟高管没人感到害怕。詹姆斯随后在Instagram上发了一张球鞋的照片,很快便获得了超过100万的点赞。
  The league helps its stars expand their reach by offering regular programming on Twitter, by live-streaming games on Facebook and by blasting out highlights on Snapchat.
  This partnership has not only given voice and weight to different points of view, but it has also helped drive interest in N.B.A. players off the court.

  "It’s important to remember how black-dominated the N.B.A. is as a sport, and as a result you are getting viewpoints on civil rights and equality that you don’t necessarily hear all the time," said Ramesh Srinivasan, a U.C.L.A professor and a scholar of technology, politics and society."The league knows it can’t stop these athletes, so instead they have embraced them and provided a bigger megaphone."
  This is the same N.B.A. that in the late 1970s and early 1980s worried that it was losing popularity because it was too black. This is the same N.B.A. that in 2005 instituted a dress code to distance itself from hip-hop culture.
  Now Drake, Kendrick Lamar and Chance the Rapper are courtside fixtures as well the source of the music blasted out of arena sound systems.
  如今,奥布瑞·德雷克、肯德里克·拉马尔和Chance the Rapper都是比赛常客,球馆功放系统也都在播放他们的音乐。
  Of the hundreds of millions of N.B.A. fans, 46 percent are under the age of 35, according to Gotham. Each morning, my soon-to-be-13-year-old-son watches the previous night’s highlights on Snapchat. He heads to YouTube, where compilation videos of each basket can turn a two-hour game into 20 minutes.
"On the surface, we are a traditional old-school brand,” said Rich Gotham, the Celtics’president, “but underneath we are quite evolved."

  The players have, for the most part, used their elevated platforms judiciously and joyfully. James has attracted 96.6 million followers across all platforms by posting lighthearted fare, like his team’s New York subway videos, to go with his social commentary.
  Irving has cracked the N.B.A.’s top 10 with an active Instagram (11 million) feed and a knack for viral gestures, such as giving away his jersey and shoes to a pair of United States servicewomen in Brooklyn last month after a game against the Nets. He also knows social media helps move merchandise: He unveiled his Kyrie 4s with a video urging his fans to continue exploring their best selves.
  欧文通过在Instagram上的活跃(1100万粉丝)以及病毒式营销手段,比如上个月在布鲁克林对篮网赛后将球衣和球鞋送给一个美国军人,人气高度进入前十。欧文也知道,社交媒体有助于商品销售:他在视频区推出了Kyrie 4,督促球迷不断发掘个人最大潜力。
  One of his teammates, Jaylen Brown, posted on Twitter a video of himself jumping out of his car and dunking on unsuspecting pickup players in one of this year’s socialmedia fads, the Drive-By Dunk Challenge. Both Irving, 25, and Brown, 21, may be still finding their voice, but there is no doubt that there is an audience eager to hear them.
  Gotham, for one, believes the outreach on social media is paying off in analog ways. Between ESPN, TNT and NBA TV, television viewership is up 32 percent this season and averaging 1.4 million viewers per game, according to Nielsen. In September, the billionaire Tilman J. Fertitta paid $2.2 billion for the Houston Rockets, which set the record for an N.B.A. team price tag.
  哥谭相信,社交媒体的延伸对收视率产生了积极影响。根据尼尔森收视数据,ESPN,TNT和NBA TV本赛季收视率上升了32%,平均每场比赛约有140万观众。九月时,亿万富翁迪尔曼·J·弗蒂塔出价22亿美元收购了休斯敦火箭,这创下了NBA球队交易价格的纪录。
  When one of the oldest and most accomplished franchises like the Celtics can trust its players with messages as far-reaching as the platforms, it’s good for business today and will be even better for the N.B.A. tomorrow.
2017-18赛季的火箭无疑让人眼前一亮,尽管在遭遇了连败后让出了西部榜首的位置。但他们一度豪取十四连胜,克里斯·保罗还创下了作为新球队首发前15场比赛全胜的历史记录。他们也被认为是勇士在西部的有力挑战者,也是总冠军的竞争者。休斯敦人也渴望着在1994-95赛季之后再次看到火箭闯入总决赛。  1994-95赛季的那支火箭可谓是一个传奇。在1993-94赛季与尼克斯大战七场,上演了哈基姆·奥拉朱旺与
我们对于本赛季有着很高的期许。  在写这篇文章的时候,我们正准备迎接客场比赛,对于迄今为止的战绩,我们的心情十分复杂。我们没打出想要的战绩,虽然觉得本应做得更好,但现实是残酷的,我们的战绩说明了我们现在的状态。  我们在本赛季早早就学到了许多,我们究竟是谁?我们如何能做到更好?我们还学到了要尊重每一个对手。  在我们的首个西海岸之旅中,我们首先对阵的是掘金,在取得一场精彩的胜利后,我们前往洛杉矶对
冷风吹过明尼阿波利斯郊区的街头,标靶中心里有两人正在做着看似不可能的事情。  那是2005年的冬天。前乔治城大学主教练约翰·汤普森双手交叉在胸前,坐在罚球线边。坐在他对面椅子上的,是最受这座城市尊重的体育明星凯文·加内特。  两个伟大的篮球人准备就人生和职业篮球进行深刻的对话,这样亲密的对话本身并无太多新奇,只不过两人身边的摄像机,让这段对话变得更加不可思议。  归根结底,加内特这个异常讲究隐私的
日新月异雄鸡去,岁吉年祥獒犬来。  2018年是中国农历戊戌年,亦为狗年新年,阿迪达斯篮球将在此辞旧迎新之际,推出极具中国特色的四款新年“獒”配色系列篮球鞋款,它们分别是Harden Vol.1, D Rose 8, Dame 4以及Crazy Explosive 2017 PK。  阿迪达斯更邀请到雕塑家任哲作为此次阿迪达斯篮球新年“獒”配色系列篮球鞋款的设计师,从“獒”字所传达出的精神中汲取创
“我给你的是玛莎拉蒂的钥匙,拜托,告诉我你会开车。”  这是在今夏当我们采访约翰·卡利帕里,让他描述下对那些潜在的肯塔基大学PG们的招生广告时,他说的话。虽然他可能在给那些全国顶尖学生奖学金时,并不一定就是这样说的,但他所表达的意思很明确了。身为一个备受关注的PG,来到肯塔基大学意味着你将踏上高速前进之路,你也将清楚知道,你与人生这条路上的其他人所受到的期待前进速度将完全不一样。  回到伊曼努尔·
CURRY 4全新配色“MORE BUCKETS” 今非昔比,方兴未艾  四次全明星赛首发,连续两届MVP,两届总冠军荣耀,无数次在他带动下掌声雷动的时刻,斯蒂芬?库里已在当今世上最优秀的运动员之列。  为祝贺库里位列最杰出的篮球运动员之一这个人生阶段,Under Armour推出CURRY 4全新配色“MORE BUCKETS”,助力库里能够投入更多令人惊叹的三分球,展现更灵活的控球技术,与队友
多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯在拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克的羽翼下度过了新秀赛季,也全程见证了后者创造NBA历史。凭借出色的职业精神,萨博尼斯在雷霆赢得了首发席位,新秀赛季出战的81场比赛里有66场担任首发——只是出场时间和贡献都不够稳定。之后,雷霆决定提升阵容的豪华程度,用更多已经打出名堂的球员与威少搭档,于是他们送走萨博尼斯和维克托·奥拉迪波得到保罗·乔治。  步行者的阵容里不乏年轻才俊,球队希望萨博尼斯和他们共
社区活动中是什么引起了你的兴趣?让你参与其中。  我想只是去和一些孩子们交谈。他们中的很多人都非常喜欢打球,他们拿到自己期待的圣诞礼物会很兴奋,而我很高兴看到孩子们兴奋起来。对于我来说,这是一个非常有意义的时刻。做这些社区活动意味着什么?  真的是让孩子们知道有人在关心他们。有人在想他们,不管他们的情况如何。为了能够去那里给他们一个提醒,也许这是一个全新的球场,也许是比赛的门票,不管它是什么,这些
2015年的冬天,全明星扣篮大赛。被球迷寄予厚望的常林站在国家体育馆,听着北京球迷的欢呼声,一晃如昨。  故事的结局并不完美,加冕“扣篮王”的愿望成为了永久的遗憾,然而赛后的常林依然是京媒笔下的主角,尤其是他参赛的那双鞋成为记者们发问的焦点。  作为江苏球员的他穿着一双特制的鞋,鞋舌上一脚写着“江苏”,一脚写着“北京”。  “我是从北京出来的,这一点我不会忘。”  外表粗糙的汉子,有着如此细腻的情