提出一个城市主干道双车道多速元胞自动机交通流模型 ,此模型采用开放性边界条件 ,在考虑诸多实际因素影响情况下 ,研究了主干道中车站的设置、交通灯绿信比对车流量和车流速度的影响 .计算机模拟所得到的基本图(流量 速度图 )能较好地反映在交通灯控制下城市主干道交通流真实状况
This paper proposes a two-lane and multi-speed cellular automaton traffic flow model of urban trunk road. This model uses open boundary conditions, considering the many practical factors, the station set in the main road, traffic light green letter than the car Traffic flow and traffic speed.The computer simulation of the basic map (traffic speed map) can be better reflected in the traffic lights under the control of the main road traffic flow in urban real conditions