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根据水质监测网2010年度培训计划,10月27日,北京市城镇供水协会在北京市自来水集团水质监测中心举办了酸性高锰酸钾滴定法-耗氧量检测操作培训班。监测网内的12家监测站和水源九厂、八厂、四厂、田村化验室的30多名检测技术人员参加了培训。本次培训邀请了市自来水集团水质监测中心的姜颖和王雷两位工程师授课。采取授课与现场操作演示、化验人员现场考核相结合的方式。姜老师从容量瓶、移液管和吸量管的使用、水中耗氧量测定过程中应注意的取样、保存、酸度、时间、温度、滴定速度、滴定终点、KMnO4标准溶液的配制与标定、高锰酸钾法测定水中耗氧量的计算公式等方面进行了讲解,接着又请具有丰富实操经验的王雷老师进行了实验室现场操作演示。学员们针对现场实际检测中遇到的问题与两位老师作了充分的交流。本次培训特点:一是培训内容准备充分,由讲课老师自己编写讲义,针对性强;二是培训内容注重实操;三是加强相互交流,取长补短,促进了各监测站同行之间的技术交流和检测技术水平的共同提高。 According to the 2010 annual training plan of the water quality monitoring network, on October 27, the Beijing Urban Water Supply Association held an acidity potassium permanganate titration-oxygen consumption detection training course at the Beijing Waterworks Water Quality Monitoring Center. More than 30 testing technicians from 12 monitoring stations and nine water plants, eight plants, four plants and Tamura laboratories in the monitoring network participated in the training. This training invites Jiang Ying and Wang Lei, engineers from the Water Quality Monitoring Center of the City Waterworks Group, to give lectures. To take lectures and on-site operation demonstration, laboratory personnel on-site assessment of a combination of ways. Jiang teacher from the use of volumetric flask, pipette and pipette, should pay attention to the sampling, preservation, acidity, time, temperature, titration speed, titration end point, KMnO4 standard solution preparation and calibration, Potassium permanganate method for the determination of oxygen consumption in water calculation formula and other aspects were explained, and then have a wealth of practical experience of Wang Lei teacher conducted a laboratory scene demo. The students made full exchanges with the two teachers on the problems encountered in the actual field test. The training features: First, the training content is fully prepared by the lecture teacher to write their own handouts, targeted; Second, the training focused on practical operation; third is to strengthen mutual exchanges, learn from each other, and promote the exchange of technical exchanges between peer stations And the common improvement of detection technology.