Studying igneous rocks has great practical significance for prospecting, especially looking for non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals and rare metals. These metallogenic deposits and igneous rocks have some symbiosis rules. Some minerals such as tungsten, tin, molybdenum, copper and lead are related to acidic or neutral igneous rocks, and the minerals such as chromium, molybdenum and platinum are related to ultrabasic igneous rocks. It is also of great significance to study the age of igneous intrusion, as most of the nonferrous metals and rare metal deposits are closely related to young dipping bodies. The one studied here is the relationship between igneous and mineral deposits, but how to determine the order of occurrence of igneous rocks. Although this is not a direct study of the invasive age of igneous rocks, all the igneous rocks in the region have been studied in a clear and indirect way. Judge the age of igneous invasion, and then further study igneous rock and deposit off