兴福镇位于滨州地区博兴县东南部,东临东营市广饶县,南接淄博市临淄区,总面积44平方公里,辖36个行政村,3.3万人口,是近几年山东省崛起的经济强镇。 1995年,全镇工农业总产值达7.8亿元,农民人均纯收入1688元,银行储蓄1.5亿元。目前全镇发展各类企业930家,年产值达6.8亿元,利税近7000万元,全镇75%的农户从事二、三产业。
Xingfu Town is located in the southeastern part of Boxing County in Binzhou, east to Guangrao County in Dongying City and to Linzi District in Zibo City in the south. With a total area of 44 square kilometers and 36 administrative villages and 33,000 people, it is the rise of Shandong Province in recent years Strong economy town. In 1995, the town’s total industrial and agricultural output reached 780 million yuan, the per capita net income of farmers 1688 yuan, bank savings 150 million yuan. At present, there are 930 enterprises of all kinds in the whole town, with an annual output value of 680 million yuan and profits and taxes of nearly 70 million yuan. 75% of the farmers in the town are engaged in secondary and tertiary industries.