Vitiligo, also known as Vulgaris, is a type of dyspigmentation that causes depigmentation on the surface of healthy skin and causes the skin to have a white patch. Although the disease does not affect the health of the body, it will cause the patient’s facial appearance to be white when the patient’s face and head appear on the face and head, and the patient’s mental pain is abnormal. The cause of the disease has not yet been clarified. Some scholars believe that it is related to dysfunction of autonomic nerves, and some people think that it is related to nutritional neurological disorders. They are not the same, and the main symptoms are acquired white spots. At present, there is no effective treatment on the treatment methods, but the general symptomatic treatment, such as the use of local ultraviolet radiation, oral administration of vitamin B and intradermal injection of their own blood, etc., are difficult to obtain the desired results.