当我们每天在自己居住的城市里生活的时候,可能谁也不会在意包围在我们身边的那些无声无息的污染! 全球大气污染最严重的10个城市中,我国就占了7个。或许你对这一数字还不以为然,或许你和我一样对污染的概念还不太明了,或许……那就随着我的DC镜头一同去走走、看看,我们正在慢慢吞噬自己。
When we live in cities where we live each day, perhaps no one cares about the silent pollution that surrounds us. Of the 10 cities with the most serious global air pollution, our country accounts for seven. Maybe you do not agree with this figure, maybe you and I do not know the concept of pollution, maybe ... then go along with my DC lens to see if we are slowly devouring ourselves.