How to improve English Reading Comprehension

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  Abstract:Reading has always been an important part of foreign language teaching,and improving students' reading comprehension ability is also an important goal of foreign language teaching.Based on years of experience,the author summarizes four ways to improve reading ability.
  Key words:reading ability;reading skills;reading teaching
  English reading comprehension plays an important role in middle school English teaching.Reading has always been an important part of foreign language teaching.Improving students' reading comprehension ability is also an important goal of foreign language teaching.It is difficult to improve reading comprehension ability,and it is not achieved overnight,but it is not unattainable.As long as we master the correct learning methods,it is possible to improve reading comprehension ability.Based on years of teaching experience,the author draws the following experience
  一、Fully grasp a certain vocabulary
  Vocabulary is the basic unit of language and one of the three elements of language.It is an important means of expression and communication.Without the accumulation and mastery of vocabulary,it is impossible to carry out any reading.How can an illiterate person read? How can he understand an article? Not to mention the rules of skills.Therefore,to read,the accumulation of vocabulary is the most basic and most important.In the process of teaching,teachers must pay attention to the cultivation of students' ability to memorize words,use various ways to improve students' vocabulary,and lay a good foundation for improving their reading ability.
  二、Develop students' ability to recognize different levels of language information
  The accumulation in vocabulary mentioned above is equivalent to the traditional teaching mode which has always focused on the meaning of vocabulary.This mode makes students form the bad habit of reading word by word and sentence by sentence in reading.This greatly reduces the reading efficiency of students.What teachers need to do is to change this situation and help students form good reading habits.
  In the process of reading teaching,what teachers should do is not only to guide students to understand the literal meaning,but also to guide students to understand the theme and connotation of the article,grasp the author's writing purpose and attitude towards the things mentioned,and understand the author's thoughts conveyed between the lines.
  In a word,the teacher should change the habit of students' sticking to one word and one sentence by all possible means,teach them to pay more attention to the higher language level,learn to read the article objectively from a higher level,and grasp the meaning of the article.   三、Use a variety of reading skills to read
  We often refer to reading methods such as preview,skimming,browsing,guessing according to the context,pushing rules and so on.Teachers should not only teach students how to choose different strategies according to different reading purposes or tasks,but also make students freely switch and use strategies flexibly.
  There is no fixed pattern in English reading,but it varies flexibly according to different situations.The invariable reading method will only waste too much time in many times,and will make students lose confidence and interest in reading over time,leading to a vicious circle.A smart student can adjust his reading skills and speed according to different reading purposes,so that his reading efficiency can be greatly improved.Therefore,it is necessary for teachers to teach students different reading methods and skills,and guide students to use them flexibly.
  The so-called "teaching fish is better than teaching fish".Only when students develop good reading habits and make them use various strategies freely and flexibly,can their reading efficiency be really improved.
  四、Integrate background knowledge,emotion and social factors into reading teaching
  When we play,we can often see the following situation:a student in the language knowledge is very good,but can not really grasp the main idea of the article,can not thoroughly and comprehensively understand the author's intention and ideas.This is because of the lack of background knowledge of the article.Background knowledge plays an important role in reading.It can be introduced by teachers or given by students themselves.Background knowledge is a complex concept,including professional knowledge,social and cultural background,customs and habits,and the differences between Chinese and Western values.Therefore,the introduction of background knowledge must not be ignored in teaching,because the misunderstanding in reading is often caused by the difference of life style and thinking mode.Only by understanding the background of the article and the author's intention can we really understand the article quickly,accurately and steadily.
  Skills will always only play a supporting role,the fundamental lies in the students' own efforts,usually read more,see more,remember more,summarize more words and phrases in the reading,and consolidate through timely review and multiple reading.Reading is a very long process,which can not be achieved overnight.Only those who are willing to pay can finally master all kinds of reading skills and skillfully use them.Only in this way can they really improve their reading ability and make English reading a kind of enjoyment.
摘 要:运用动作、语言、神态描写来表现人物内心是本次习作教学的关键所在。本文放手深研让学生的思维自由放飞、自主互动让学生的思维酣畅淋漓地碰撞、适时点拨,引领“疯狂美读”三个板块阐述了如何引领学生在美读中发展思维。  关键词:深研;互动;美读;自由  《火烧云》是一篇十分经典的描述大自然美景的文章,被大部分版本的教材選用。文章描述的是乡村傍晚火烧云从上来到下去的过程中颜色和形状的变化,表现了大自然景
摘 要:区角游戏作为幼儿教育中极为重要的一种游戏教学方式,能够吸引幼儿的注意力,提高幼儿对新知识的学习兴趣,让幼儿在游戏中获得知识。然而,从当前实际情况来看,区角游戏这一教学方式在幼儿园中的应用效果并不理想,这与教师、外界环境等因素有着极为密切的联系。当下,如何避开区角游戏的缺陷,使其在幼儿教育中的作用得到充分发挥是幼儿教育工作者们面临的重要问题。为了提升区角游戏在幼儿教育中的实际效果,可以将区角
摘 要:习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上强调,要用好课堂教学这个主渠道,各类课程都要与思想政治理论课同向同行,形成协同效应。“高校足球课”和“思想政治理论课”的共同本质就是“育人”。文章从国家主流意识形态、足球课程特点及足球运动本身来探索思政与足球教学相互融合的途径,形成协同效应。  关键词:课程思政;足球教学;协同;探索  一、足球课程的特点内涵  自2009年国家体育总局、教育部颁布《
摘 要:随着教育的不断改革,以及小学教育中相关工作经验的不断优化,小学教育工作者针对该阶段的心理年龄发展也进行了一定的改革。尤其是对于教育系统管理模式中,在服务管理水平的改革,提出了新的要求。  关键词:小学教育;教育管理;管理策略;教育服务水平  引言  小学教育在长期的发展过程中,已经形成了一定的模式,但在管理中仍然需要改进。本篇文章,便针对新形势下小学教育教学管理策略进行简要阐述。  一、改
摘 要:因子分析法一直是管理研究方法中的一种重要研究方法。目前,国内运用因子分析法进行学术研究的学者较多,而且应用领域也十分广泛,文章数量相对较多,但是在国内因子分析法的评价与综述方面的文章却较少。本文研究国内在管理学领域因子分析法研究的现状,选取已经发表的相对较有代表性的文章为样本,研究因子分析法的运用以及对因子分析法进行评价与综述,研究目的在于把握因子分析法的精髓,提高管理学研究的规范性,争取
摘 要:低年级识字写字教学是学校教育的关键环节,可以为将来进行大量读写汉字和提高语文素养形成打下坚实基础的重要阶段。我们要为之寻求一个较为实用的途径和方法。而童谣作为学生常见艺术形式,早在学生幼儿时期就经常接触读起来朗朗.上口学生更,容易学习并进行记忆。  关键词:小学语文;识字写字存在问题;童谣  一、小学低年级识字写字教学存在的问题  (一)对教材的解读不深,童瑶设计不科学  教师在讲解字词义
摘 要:音乐是可以直接反映人类精神世界和对现实生活所产生的情感的艺术表现形式。小学音乐教学是培养学生音乐素养的关键路径,情感教育在音乐课堂上的运用,可以帮助突出音乐艺术的特点,利于发展学生的音乐感知能力。作者结合近年来的音乐教学实践,尝试重点分析情感教育在小学音乐教学中的应用路径,希望对小学音乐教学有所参考价值。  关键词:情感教育;小学音乐;教学方法;应用  音乐作为小学教育阶段的基础课程,组织
摘 要:现阶段的种植德育课程教学中,教师由于受到传统教学观念的影响,教学中教学方法的应用存在着不合理之处,从而影响了德育课程教学的质量效果。为能促进教学质量提升,教师在课堂教学的创新方面要加强重视,基于此,本文从理论层面就中职德育教学抛锚式模式的应用作用以及问题和措施详细探究,希望能有助于实际教学活动的顺利开展。  关键词:德育课程;抛锚式模式;教学问题  为能有效提升德育课程教学的质量水平,教师
摘 要:在国家提出新的教学政策之后,促使教师积极改善了以往的教学方式,通过科学的讲课方法引导学生主动走进课堂,让他们在学习中增强自身的综合素养。对于初中篮球教学来说,不仅需要学生掌握相关的运动技能,还要他们在锻炼中通过教师的指引,养成合作训练的意识。本文主要对如何在初中篮球教学中培养学生的合作意识进行浅析。  关键词:初中;篮球教学;学生;合作意识  引言  篮球在初中体育教学中是一项重要的教学任
摘 要:伴随着体育教学课程的不断深入与改革,体育教育方面已经逐步在人们的认知里占据了一定的重要性。重视体育教育教学能够更好的从德、智、体、美这几项里提高儿童的身体素质素养,使儿童的发展不在受局限性,也能够同时提高儿童的技能发展和文化发展。在某种情况下体育游戏也能提高学生的竞争性和教育性,同时能达到娱乐和学习共同进行,让孩子对体育更有兴趣。本文将针对“少儿趣味田径”在小学体育课堂中的实施进行分析和研