我们身边经常都会有一些老是丢三落四的朋友,现在他们的福音来了。在去年发布Lumia1020的同时,诺基亚(NOKIA)还发布了一款具有防丢防盗功能的Treasure Tag蓝牙追踪器,现在这个产品终于上市了。其实在这之前,飞利浦(PHILIPS)也发布了一款同样具有较高关注度的名为AEA1000 InRange的同类产品。下面就由两位米饭来告诉粗心大意的朋友们,怎样通过这两款神器让他们不再丢失东西。
Often we have friends who are always lost around us, and now their gospel is coming. At the same time that Lumia1020 was released last year, Nokia (NOKIA) also released a Treasure Tag Bluetooth tracker with anti-theft security features, and the product is finally available. In fact, before that, Philips (PHILIPS) also released a similarly high degree of concern called AEA1000 InRange similar products. The following two rice to tell careless friends, how to use these two artifacts so that they no longer lose something.