First, to ensure the quality of planted seedlings Selection of fruit saplings is more than 20 cm high, more than 0.4 cm in diameter at the base, developed roots, bud full, full of branches. Prior to planting, the seedlings together, with 40 times Tian An or 150 times Fumei arsenic or 200 times methyl thiophanate spray disinfection to prevent powdery mildew. Planting period in mid April or mid October, autumn planting survival rate slightly higher than spring planting. Cold black beans (thin skin) hole spacing of 1.5 × 2 meters. 3 per hole; or 1 × 2 meters, 2 per hole. Not cold-resistant varieties (thickness) hole spacing of 2 × 2.5 meters, 3 per hole, in order to facilitate the line