The Compulsory Education Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standard (2011 Edition) points out that strengthening physical fitness is an important goal of physical education and health curricula. Physical fitness is the ability of various organ systems in the body to manifest themselves in physical activity. Students can develop physical fitness and fitness during their physical and motor skills studies. At the stage of compulsory education, especially at the elementary school stage, students should be emphatied in their flexibility, strength, sensitivity and speed. The first stage of the level is the best time to develop the flexibility, sensitivity and balance ability. Proper and appropriate exercise in appropriate time plays a very positive role in developing students’ physical fitness in this aspect. This text mainly relies on the classroom teaching of the second grade physical education teaching material “push up to the supine position”, through the interpretation of the physical infiltration of developing the students’ flexibility and strength quality, the effective penetration of the flexible ability of “supine pushing up the bridge” , For the future teaching skills projects provide a reference.