广州市政府大院北面,有一条叫“新墙头”的街道。这墙“变”新,却与曾被孙中山赞为“为共和殉难的第二健将”的史坚如有关。清末的革命党人中.有一位被誉为“缔造共和之少年英雄”,他就是番禺人史坚如。1899年(光绪二十五年),年仅20岁的史坚如加入孙中山创立的兴中会,曾到长江流域联络反清力量。次年,孙中山决定在惠州起义,派史坚如在广州策应。 11月,惠州起义爆发后,史坚如策划爆炸广东巡抚衙门(今人民公园及市政府大院范围),以牵制清军的力量。他
North of the Guangzhou government compound, there is a street called “New Wall”. This wall was “changed” and related to Shi Jianru, once praised by Sun Yat-sen as “the second best general of the martyrdom of the republic.” One of the revolutionaries at the end of the Qing Dynasty was hailed as “a young hero who created a republic.” In 1899 (twenty-five years Guangxu), Shi Jianru, who was only 20 years old, joined Sun Yat-sen, founded by Sun Yat-sen, and contacted the anti-Qing forces in the Yangtze River Basin. The following year, Sun Yat-sen decided to uprising in Huizhou, to send Shi Jianru as appropriate in Guangzhou. In November, following the outbreak of the Huizhou uprising, Shi Jianru plotted the explosion of the governor Yamen of Guangdong (now People’s Park and the compound of the municipal government compound) to contain the power of the Qing forces. he