11.3 汉唐证券有限责任公司与德意志银行宣布,双方已正式签署《合格境外机构投资者境内证券投资代理协议》。德意志银行选择汉唐证券作为在深交所的挂牌交易证券的指定交易代理机构。汉唐证券成为继中金、银河、申银万国和国泰君安后,第5家获得QFⅡ境内证券投资代理机构的券商。
11.3 Hantang Securities Co., Ltd. and Deutsche Bank announced that they have signed the Agreement on Domestic Securities Investment Agency of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors. Deutsche Bank selected Hantang Securities as the designated trading agency for listed securities traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Hantang Securities became the fifth brokerage firm to receive QFII domestic securities investment agency following CICC, Galaxy, Shenyin Wanguo and Guotai Junan.