【摘 要】
From classical point of view the full description of a system is the sum of its parties descriptions. Quantum mechanics introduced essential correction in the c
【机 构】
From classical point of view the full description of a system is the sum of its parties descriptions. Quantum mechanics introduced essential correction in the classical view: the measurable properties of a particle ensemble can exceed the properties sum o
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父亲喜欢种花种树,两亩大的院子,有四分之三种的是果树和花。八瓣梅、刺玫、牡丹、野菊……看到谁家的花好看,父亲就向人家讨要根、籽,要来后就将花籽撒在果树的间隙,或是将根埋在树下。春风一到,果树花与鲜花交相辉映,一个个粉色、白色、黄色的花骨朵竞相绽放,院里是一片花的海洋。 吃着杏子,觉得杏子味道不错,父亲就起身跨出房门向前走上几步,在园子里刨个坑,丢下核,来年一棵小苗就破土而出;正南墙下的三棵樱桃树
We present a scheme for generating entanglement between two spatially separated systems from the spatial entanglement generated by the interference effect durin
In order to get rid of the drawback of information leakage which existed in Chong et al.’s protocol (Opt. Commun., 284, 2011, 515-518), an efficient three-part
Barros discusses that [Jose Acacio de Barros, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50, 1828 (2011)] Nagata derives inconsistencies from quantum mechanics [K. Nagata, Int. J. Th