我20年前患有“三高”症,即:血压高、血脂高和胆固醇高。经过多年的瑜伽松弛锻炼,我的“三高”早就好了,而且还能做出所有复杂的瑜伽动作,并出现了许许多多返老还童的迹象。 众所周知,瑜伽源于印度。但在长期的传承过程中,瑜伽已与各国的风土人情以及各国独特的文化融在了一起。在我国近些年已有许多人习练了瑜伽,并取得了较好的养生保健效果,与此同时,这些实践者也结合自身的体会及中国人的
I had “three high” symptoms 20 years ago, namely: high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high cholesterol. After years of yoga relaxation exercise, my “three highs” have long been well, but also to make all the complex yoga moves, and there are many signs of rejuvenation. As we all know, yoga originated in India. However, in the long process of inheritance, yoga has become integrated with the customs and cultures of various countries as well as the unique cultures of different countries. In recent years, many people in our country have practiced yoga and achieved good health care effects. At the same time, these practitioners also combined their own experience with the Chinese