笔者因编志关系接触了大量的历史档案,浏览之下,寻觅到不少鲜为人知的珍闻逸事,其中一桩抢运档案的旧闻至今留存脑海,挥之不去。 1937年8月,“七七事变”发生后的上海,充满着一种山雨欲来风满楼的气氛。为未雨绸缪,当时的上海市市长俞鸿钧命市政府秘书处第一科文书股将重要档案不露形迹陆续从江湾的市政府大厦运出。文书股受命后,当即开列重要案卷十一类,计有:1.关于国防军事者;2.关于防空方面者;3.关于军训方面者;4.关于与外人订立契约者;5.关于越界筑路交涉者;6.关于华租交界界址者;7.关于对日外交重要部份及有关侦察防范性质者;8.关于省市画分区域者;9.关于本府及各局组织方面者;10.关于债务方面订有契约者;11.关于本市廿六年(1937年度)度预算者。上报市政府,并陆续将其
The author contacted a large number of historical archives due to the relationship between the edict and the journalists, searching for many little-known anecdotes and anecdotes. One of the old stories grabbing the archives has so far survived. In August 1937, after the “Incident of July 7” took place in Shanghai, there was a climate full of rain and wind. To take precautions, when the Mayor of Shanghai Municipality Mayor Yu Hongjun ordered the first secretary of the Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs documents will be archived without a trace from Jiangwan City Hall out of buildings. After the appointment of a clerical and literary unit, there are eleven major categories of files to be set forth immediately, including: 1. For military personnel of the national defense; 2. For those who deal with air defense; 3. For military training; 4. For those who contract with outsiders; Road interrogators; 6 on the boundary of the Chinese rented junction; 7 on the important part of diplomatic relations with Japan and the nature of the investigation and prevention; 8 provinces and municipalities on the painting sub-regions; 9 on the government and bureau organization 10, the contractual aspects of the debt 11, about the city twenty-six years (1937) degrees budget. Report to the municipal government, and one after another it