据最新消息,北京星河湾3月19日一天卖了23套房子,销售额为1亿,3月第三周卖了37套房子,销售额近2亿,这些简单的数字给京城楼市带来的震撼不亚于北京星河湾入市时带来的震撼。据统计,截至3月20日为止,北京星河湾认购480套,销售额21个亿。而据星河湾的有关负责人透露,星河湾二期将极有可能在七月份开盘面市。另外,星河湾社区内的配套设施也已接近全面完工,预计在二期开盘之前将投入使用。均价已经在每平米16000元高价的星河湾,是什么给了星河湾如此强势的底气? 星河湾已经热了 2005年地产行业的一件大事就是北京出了个星河湾。说它是大事至少出于两个层面的理由:其一,京
According to the latest news, Beijing Xinghewan sold 23 houses on March 19 with a sales volume of 100 million units. It sold 37 units in the third week of March with sales of nearly 200 million. These simple figures bring to the Beijing property market No less than the shock when Beijing Star River into the market shock. According to statistics, as of March 20, Beijing Star River subscribe for 480 sets, with sales of 21 billion. According to the person in charge of Chateau told us that Chateau 2 is likely to open its market in July. In addition, facilities in Star River Community are close to fully completed and are expected to be put into operation before the opening of the second phase. Average price has been at 16,000 yuan per square meter high Bay Star, what gave the Milky Way Galaxy such a strong clout? Star River has been hot in 2005 a major event in the real estate industry is Beijing out of a star bay. Say it is at least two major reasons for the event: First, Beijing