In the obstacle avoidance planning of redundant robots, obstacle avoidance and end-of-path trajectory of robots collide with each other when the obstacle affects the movement of robot end. To solve this problem, an obstacle avoidance algorithm based on the transformation of master-slave tasks is proposed. The method defines the operation space of obstacle avoidance as a one-dimensional motion space and introduces two transformation variables. According to the obtained real-time minimum distance variation, the method can realize the smooth and continuous between the trajectory tracking motion and the obstacle avoidance motion at the end of the robot Finally, the correctness of the algorithm is verified through a three-degree-of-freedom planar robot simulation.The results show that the robot’s closest distance to the obstacle is more than 0.02m, and the end of the robot can accurately reach the target position The proposed method can not only avoid redundancy of redundant robots but also prevent conflict between tasks.