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1991年时,我正在上海戏剧学院采访时,正值上影新拍的一部《我很丑,但我很温柔》在试播。表演系的李教授拽着我去看片,并执意让我注意一下在进修班才学有三个月的宁静演的角色。这是一个悲剧性的人物:她未婚先孕,可是男朋友出国后杳无音讯,她只能先把孩子生下来。单位认为她违反了计划生育政策,把她除名了。她想把孩子送掉,悄悄将孩子放在一户人家门前,被主人发现以后她拼命奔跑,与迎面驰来的汽车相撞,被送进医院,受到一个相貌很丑,但心地善良,年过50岁的人精心照料。李教授告诉我,宁静在读剧本的时候,就被人物的命运深深打动,凭着较好的感悟能力,塑造了一个苦命的形象。从此,我就有意识地开始注意了她。又见宁静时,是在上影新片《奥菲斯小姐》的外景场地。此回见,面对面,一双注满梦幻的眸子眨动着,默默坐在一隅,等候导演鲍芝芳的指令。趁着摄影机调换机位的间隙时 In 1991, when I was interviewing at the Shanghai Theater Academy, it was just a movie titled “I am ugly, but I am very gentle.” Professor Li of the acting department grabbed me to watch the film and insisted that I should pay attention to the quiet performance of three months in the training class. This is a tragic figure: she was pregnant before she was unmarried, but her boyfriend left no news after leaving the country. She could only give birth to her child first. The unit thought she violated her family planning policy and removed her. She wanted to send her child away and quietly placed her child in front of a family home. After being discovered by her master, she tried to run hard and collided with a car that had been coming. She was taken to the hospital for a ugly, Over 50 years old people take good care of. Professor Li told me that while quietly reading the script, he was impressed by the fate of the characters, with a better understanding of the ability to shape a hardy image. Since then, I consciously began to pay attention to her. See also tranquility, is on the film movie “Miss Orpheus” location outside the venue. This time, face to face, a pair of eyes full of dreams blinking, silently sitting in a corner, waiting for director Bao Zhifang’s instructions. Taking advantage of the camera to change the gap when the seat
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