【摘 要】
The time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau Lawrence–Doniach model is used to investigate the superconducting fluctuation electrical conductivities.The theoretical res
【机 构】
School of Physics,Peking University,Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter,
【出 处】
Chinese Physics B
The time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau Lawrence–Doniach model is used to investigate the superconducting fluctuation electrical conductivities.The theoretical result based on the self-consistent Gaussian approximation is used to fit the transport measurement data of iron-based superconductors F-doped La OFe As and Ba Fe_(2-x)Ni_xAs_2.We demonstrate that La OFe As shows layered behavior,while Ba Fe_(2-x)Ni_xAs_2 is more of a 3D feature.The conductivity in the region near Tc is well described by the theoretical formula.
The time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau Lawrence-Doniach model is used to investigate the superconducting fluctuation electrical conductivities. The theoretical result based on the self-consistent Gaussian approximation is used to fit the transport measurement data of iron-based superconductors F-doped La OFe As and Ba Fe_ (2-x) Ni_xAs_2.we demonstrated that La OFe As shows layered behavior, while Ba Fe_ (2-x) Ni_xAs_2 is more of a 3D feature.The conductivity in the region near Tc is well described by the theoretical formula.
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The inoculation of BCG inactivated after