Female gonadal hormone effects on microglial activation and functional outcomes in a mouse model of

来源 :World Journal of Critical Care Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylg_lanxi
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AIM To address the hypothesis that young, gonad-intact female mice have improved long-term recovery associated with decreased neuroinflammation compared to male mice.METHODS Eight to ten week-old male, female, and ovariectomized(OVX) mice underwent closed cranial impact. Gonadintact female mice were injured only in estrus state. After injury, between group differences were assessed using complementary immunohistochemical staining for microglial cells at 1 h, m RNA polymerase chain reaction for inflammatory markers at 1 h after injury, Rotarod over days 1-7, and water maze on days 28-31 after injury. RESULTS Male mice had a greater area of injury(P = 0.0063), F4/80-positive cells(P = 0.032), and up regulation of inflammatory genes compared to female mice. Male and OVX mice had higher mortality after injury when compared to female mice(P = 0.043). No groupdifferences were demonstrated in Rotarod latencies(P = 0.62). OVX mice demonstrated decreased water maze latencies compared to other groups(P = 0.049). CONCLUSION Differences in mortality, long-term neurological recovery, and markers of neuroinflammation exist between female and male mice after moderate traumatic brain injury(MTBI). Unexpectedly, OVX mice have decreased long term neurological function after MTBI when compared to gonad intact male and female mice. As such, it can be concluded that the presence of female gonadal hormones may influence behavioural outcomes after MTBI, though mechanisms involved are unclear. AIM To address the hypothesis that young, gonad-intact female mice have improved long-term recovery associated with decreased neuroinflammation compared to male mice. METHODS Eight to ten week-old male, female, and ovariectomized (OVX) mice underwent closed cranial impact. Gonadintact female mice were injured only in estrus state. After injury, between group differences were assessed using complementary immunohistochemical staining for microglial cells at 1 h, m RNA polymerase chain reaction for inflammatory markers at 1 h after injury, Rotarod over days 1-7, RESULTS Male mice had a greater area of ​​injury (P = 0.0063), F4 / 80-positive cells (P = 0.032), and upregulation of inflammatory genes compared to female mice and OVX mice had higher mortality after injury when compared to female mice (P = 0.043). No group differences were demonstrated in Rotarod latencies (P = 0.62). OVX mice demonstrated decreased water maze latencies compared to other g CONCLUSION Differences in mortality, long-term neurological recovery, and markers of neuroinflammation exist between female and male mice after moderate traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Unexpectedly, OVX mice have decreased long term neurological function after MTBI when compared to gonad intact male and female mice. As such, it can be concluded that the presence of female gonadal hormones may influence behavioral outcomes after MTBI, though mechanisms involved are unclear.
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他,入伍12年,参加灭火战斗和抢险救援1600多次,成功地救出遇险群众460多人;他,先后荣立一等功1次、二等功2次、三等功7次,先后被评为全国消防部队 He, enlisted for 12 year