Calling for“Mr Sai”of the new era

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  Out of the southeast gate of Tsinghua University, 300 meters to the east, there is a Zhongguancun Zhizao Street. The so-called street is not long, it is three or four hundred meters, and there are dozens of technology enterprises in the field of intelligent manufacturing and artificial intelligence.
  Among them, a nebula ring shadow technology company, established less than three years ago, has now become a star of this Zhizhi Street and even Zhongguancun.
  The founder and chairman of this company is Shi Pengfei. In 2015, Shi Pengfei worked in the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban and Rural Construction Committee while reading the MBA of Sino-French joint education.
  Once, the French teacher left a homework for everyone: write a business plan. Shi Pengfei thinks that instead of taking the opportunity to cope with homework, it is better to take this opportunity to create a truly valuable project.
  Shi Pengfei, who graduated from the Communication University of China in photography and has experience in television, suddenly thought: In the recording of traditional programs, it is often necessary to work with several cameras to capture a more complete picture. If you develop a device, put it in the middle of the host and the interviewee to carry out live broadcast without dead angle VR, let the audience adjust the viewing angle, and want to see where to look, this will not only save manpower and material resources, but also bring to the audience. A new audiovisual experience.
  Based on this layer of thinking, Shi Pengfei and several students began to explore the application of real-life VR, and then thought that if you install the panoramic camera in the world’s most beautiful 100 scenic spots, as well as the world’s top museums such as the Louvre and the British Museum, it will attract a large number of users. .
  This brainstorming soon became their initial business plan. Soon, they set up a team and started research and development.
  16 people, a three-bedroom, two-year product iteration, three product iterations... Shi Pengfei and his team finally succeeded in developing a miniature panoramic camera with only two lenses, which is the world’s first 720-degree panoramic camera without dead angle.
  On March 5, 2017, during the two sessions of the National People’s Congress, the first-line police officers and police dogs on duty outside the Great Hall of the People were wearing the 720-degree no-angle "panorama law enforcement eye" made by the Nebula Film Company.   Prior to this, the law enforcement recorder can only be worn on the chest of the police officer. The lens can only cover between 60° and 80°. The left and right sides of the policeman and the back of the police can not be monitored. As for the head and the ground, Can’t take care of it.
  This panoramic VR law enforcement recorder built by Nebula Huaneng uses only two fisheye lenses and a scientific stitching algorithm to achieve a“horizontal 360°+vertical 360°” panoramic view. This product solves the police for the first time. The problem of personnel controlling the dead angle effectively avoids the thorny problems of law enforcement evidence loss and incomplete evidence. Its application field is also wider. In addition to security and criminal investigation, it can also be used in many fields such as anti-terrorism and anti-drug.
  Since then, they have extended to the city’s security surveillance and outdoor ultra-high definition panoramic cameras, which has formed three directions of business: one is military and police panoramic security services, including military and police single-person panoramic collection equipment and police The vehicle is equipped with panoramic equipment; the second is to provide products and services for the government’s “Snow Project” (ie, mass security prevention and control project); the third is to develop civil services, and has introduced driving recorders, panoramic motion cameras and home panoramic security systems. Innovative products.
  In just two or three years, Shi Pengfei and his nebula have already flew a thousand miles, flying in the vast sky of Zhongguancun and China.
  It should be said that Shi Pengfei really caught up with a good time. Today’s world has entered the era of rapid changes in the technological revolution. Every day, every minute, every second, there are many whimsy and cutting-edge products of technological innovation.
  Think about China 40 years ago, because of the decade of looting, people have invested their energies in endless class struggles and political movements. In addition to relying on Qian Xuesen, Qian Sanqiang, Deng Jiaxian and other returnees, the top pressure is to create "two bombs." "One Star" and so on, a small number of science and technology "fruits", the real economic construction and technological innovation is actually in a state of stagnation.
  In fact, not only 40 years ago, China, which has been in the past few hundred years, has been in the midst of feudal autocracy, and the research and innovation of science and technology is almost zero.   At the same time, with the Renaissance and several industrial revolutions after the 1860s, the new technologies represented by steam engines, electrics, computers, etc. have surged, tens of millions of technological inventions and new ones. The product layer has changed, changing the world step by step and improving people’s lives.
  In 1793, the summer of the 58th year of Emperor Qianlong, the first Chinese delegation to China arrived in China. At this time, China’s so-called “Kanggan Shengshi” has been going on for more than 100 years, and the first industrial revolution in Britain is in the ascendant. The British were surprised to see that the Chinese people were: "The most tragic guys who have seen their lives, all knees and knees, and asked," "obviously lack of clothes and food, thin and weak. They are always soldiers or what." The small bureaucrat’s followers supervised, and the long whip in their hands would not hesitate to smoke their bodies, as if they were a team of horses." In the magnificent Yuanmingyuan, the British mission showed the Emperor Qianlong The celestial body, the globe, the Herschel telescope, the Parker lens, the giant battleship model, and even the hot air balloon and the complex block show, but the Longevity is not interested in these, just entangled with these British people to give him Awkward etiquette procedures.
  Fortunately, the spring breeze of reform and opening up has finally blown. General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Reform and opening up is the key choice for determining the destiny of contemporary China. It is an important magic weapon for the party and the people to make great strides to catch up with the times." Yes, China must reform and open up. We must reform the old system that is closed and backward. We must broaden our minds, learn with humility, and step into the new era of the world’s scientific and technological revolution!
  This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Republic and the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement. One hundred years ago, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Lu Xun and other pioneers proposed the concept of "Mr. De" and "Mr. Sai". A group of articles on the theme of "Scientific Support", such as Pan Jianwei, Rao Yi, and Han Qide, also called for Mr. Sai in the new era.
  Indeed, for hundreds of years, modern science has expanded the boundaries of human understanding, deepened the understanding of nature and human beings, fundamentally changed human life and supported the development of social economy. It is hard to imagine what the world would look like without scientific progress. If there is no invention of technology, how will mankind move toward the future? In the broad sky of China in the future, we hope to see more "Shi Pengfei"; in the team that commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Republic and the 100th anniversary of the "May 4th" Movement, we need more "Mr. Sai"!
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一迈进颐和园西门,晓莲就“燃”起来了!咔咔咔,噗噗噗,她按动相机的快门声与她的脚步声交错着落在寂静的晨曦里,衬托着大自然的沉寂。快一点,我们要尽快赶到镜桥去,晚了就赶不上日出了!我空着手,跌跌撞撞跟在背着、挎着摄影器材、全副武装的晓莲身后往西堤小跑着。  镜桥位于西堤中部, 八角重檐攒尖顶,是颐和园西堤六桥中最为华丽的一座,是依照唐朝诗人李白“两水夹明镜,双桥落彩虹”诗句意境而建,始建于乾隆年间,
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思想是指导人们行动的灯塔。当然,我们需要具体地谈论思想、思想方法、思维方式和思想内容,而不是空洞地概念化地人云亦云地谈论。对于真正有价值的(学术)思想,只要你走心入脑地学习它感悟它,就能从中汲取宝贵的养分,进而有助于你获得对事物更深刻的认识,在实践中形成更符合逻辑的行动方案。  学术通常指的是较为专门和有系统的学问,而思想和思想方法则指的是思维活动的结果和人们思考问题、研究问题和认识世界的方式。历