Theoretical Approach to Concentration Distribution and Adhesion Efficiency of Fine Particles Around

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myrost
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Quantitative prediction of distribution function and adhesion efficiency of particles around a rising bubble in slurry systems is presented in this work. By solving the convection-diffusion equation (Fokker-Planck equation), the influence of Brownian diffusivity of fine particles on concentration distribution and adhesion efficiency is demonstrated with the hydrodynamic force and van der Waals attractive potential between particles and bubble considered. It is found that two kinds of mechanism dominate the adhesion process of particles on bubble according to different Peclet number or size of particles and bubble, as well as other properties of the slurry systems. In addition, the viscosity ratio of bubble to the suspending fluid was found to have obvious influence on particle adhesion. Quantitative prediction of distribution function and adhesion efficiency of particles around a rising bubble in slurry systems is presented in this work. By solving the convection-diffusion equation (Fokker-Planck equation), the influence of Brownian diffusivity of fine particles on concentration distribution and adhesion efficiency is demonstrated with the hydrodynamic force and van der Waals attractive potential between particles and bubble considered. It is found that two kinds of mechanism dominate the adhesion process of particles on bubble according to different Peclet number or size of particles and bubble, as well as other properties of the slurry systems. In addition, the viscosity ratio of bubble to the suspending fluid was found to have obvious influence on particle adhesion.
一、课的设计理念  笔者确定了《足球:脚内侧传接球技术及运用》一课的主题后,从开始准备到最后整节课的完整呈现,先后对课的设计进行了四次大规模的修改和完善。本课在《浙江省义务教育体育与健康课程指导纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)提出从“技术、体能、运用”三个维度构建单元内容的指导下;并结合在2015年9月至12月,通过参加教育部组织的首批中国校园足球教练员赴法留学培训活动学习的理念,进行了课堂教学的设计。