自2014年江苏省苏州昆山市中荣金属制品有限公司“8·2”特别重大爆炸事故发生以来,时间已经过去3年,这期间,国家安全监管总局持续推进粉尘涉爆等重点行业领域专项治理。据国家安全监管总局关于《2016年工贸行业粉尘防爆专项整治工作情况的通报》指出,2016年,各地区对存在各类隐患的粉尘涉爆企业,限期整改2万1 415家、停产整顿2 475家、取缔关闭4 429家。
Since 2014, when Kunshan Zhongrong Metal Products Co., Ltd. of Jiangsu Province has been involved in the special “8.2” special explosion, the time has passed for three years. During this period, the State Administration of Work Safety continued to push forward the key industries such as dust explosions Special treatment. According to the Circular of the State Administration of Work Safety on the Work of Special Refurbishment of Dust Explosion in the Trade and Industry Sector in 2016, in 2016, various regions are involved in dust-blazing explosives enterprises with various hidden dangers, with 21,415 rectification deadlines and suspension of production for rectification 2 475, banning the closure of 4 429 homes.