天下西湖三十六 就中最好是杭州

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  潘沧桑告诉记者,隋唐时期杭州城由于地下水咸苦,老百姓只能到西湖取水,生活不便。唐德宗建中年间李泌任杭州刺史,在西湖沿湖开凿水口铺设暗渠将西湖水引向人口聚集地,形成六井,同时也在湖东慢慢形成了城市聚落。李泌是第一个开发了杭城的地下引水功能的“老市长”,也奠定了湖东城市的格局。   此后,唐长庆二年白居易增高堤坝,蓄水灌溉农田,疏浚六井,以利民用;吴越王钱镠置撩湖兵,专事治湖,疏通涌金池,引西湖水通运河;北宋苏东坡除修筑长堤外,还在湖中立三座石塔,严禁湖内种植菱藕,再现西湖秀色……据统计,从唐代至清代,对西湖的疏浚从不曾间断,其中重要的治理不下20次。
  The One and Only West Lake
   By Lu Yao  Shen Tingyu  Peng Xianguo
  It is always said that of all 36 West Lakes in China, the one in Hangzhou is the best.
  Eager to learn more about Hangzhou’s West Lake, we paid a visit to Pan Cangsang, director of the West Lake Museum. Walking along the heavily shaded Nanshan Road to the bank of the beautiful West Lake was enjoyable, even on a scorching summer afternoon like this.
  “So, where should we start?” Pan greeted us in her office with a question. There are just too many to choose from: its natural and culture landscape, as well as the historical literati who lavished praises on the West Lake, contributing to the elegance of Chinese culture. No wonder it is recognized as a world cultural heritage, attracting visitors from all over the country and cherished by local residents.   “Maybe we could start from our museum,” she led us into the West Lake Museum.
  The moment we walked into the exhibition hall, our eyes were instantly caught by a giant sand table of the West Lake panorama. The unique layout featuring “One Lake, Two Pagodas, Three Isles and Two Causeways” was already breathtaking as a miniature.
  “This is a 1:1000 sand table showing the real West Lake,” introduced Pan. “It gives you a general view about the landscape, ‘hills on three sides and a city on the fourth’.”
  In fact, the so-called West Lake is not just the lake itself. It has been enriched conceptually since a long time ago to further include the surrounding mountains and hills, and now points to a huge cluster of mountains, hills and waters. Due to geological movement, the age-old mountains in the northwest of West Lake undulate gently from east to west, creating an excellent visual effect. The causeways and islands cleverly divide the lake into five parts: the outer West Lake, the inner West Lake, the north inner lake, the small south lake, and the Yuehu Lake.
  While explaining, Pan tapped on a display screen to show us more detailed information such as attractions, cultural and historical sites, tourist routes, and public places. There are four of them around the sand table to serve curious visitors.
  The West Lake is renowned for its seasonal beauty. Yet in Pan’s eyes, the magical charm goes further to a cultural level. In Feilai Peak, for example, there are more than 200 cliff carvings from the Five dynasties to the Song and Yuan dynasties; the wisely constructed Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Baochu Pagoda; and the Wenlan Pavilion at the southern foot of Solitary Hill, one of the seven major imperial libraries, where the Siku Quanshu (the Complete Library of Four Treasures) were stored.
  “For people visiting West Lake, the best part is to resonate aesthetically. As a ‘cultural’ lake, it integrates cultural and aesthetic connotations perfectly well,” said Pan, who believed the spiritual core of the West Lake lies uniquely in its aesthetic value.
  For Pan, June 24, 2011 was a day to remember. On that day, the West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage List.
  “The cultural reputation of West Lake, which is the core of a world cultural heritage, is not built overnight,” explained Pan. It is the earliest lake cultural heritage in China, which diversifies the cultural heritages worldwide. Since the 9th century, this oriental cultural lake has already been influential in the history of world cultural exchanges.   Its cultural reputation has been built by human activities as well. It is true that the lake and the hills were crafted by the hands of nature, but the designing and building of the overall landscape, as well as lake dredging, took generations of collective effort for over a thousand years.
  Walking out of the West Lake Museum, we were led westbound along Nanshan Road and found ourselves on the Su Causeway, upon which the landscape of West Lake began to take shape. This causeway spanning the north and south of West Lake was named in honor of the achievements of Su Dongpo (1037-1101), an official who managed to dredge the lake for the wellbeing of the local people.
  Listening to Pan’s narration and watching the stone monument inscribed with the Chinese characters Su Di Chun Xiao, or “Spring Dawn of Su Causeway”, an authentic calligraphy from Emperor Kangxi (1654-1722), we were impressed by how hard Su Dongpo was working in lake dredging and how deeply he was in love with the West Lake and Hangzhou.
  The West Lake was originally a shallow bay connected to the Qiantang River, whose massive sediment caused siltation and gradually turned the bay into a lagoon about 2,600 years ago. And it would not have become the West Lake today but for the continuous water management throughout history. According to statistics, there were at least 20 major water-managing projects from the Tang (618-907) to the Qing (1616-1911) dynasties.
  Thanks to Hangzhou officials throughout history who knew well enough to “protect the West Lake and return it to the people”, the harmonious relationship between Hangzhou and the West Lake has never been broken. In 2001, the comprehensive protection project of West Lake officially started, protecting and repairing more than 180 natural and humanistic landscapes, and restoring 0.9 square kilometers of water surface of the West Lake. Starting in 2002, the West Lake was opened to visitors for free, and so far more than 130 parks and attractions have the same path.
  “Back in Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), the West Lake already saw the dawn of tourism, and some relatively fixed sightseeing spots and routes began to appear,” Pan took us to the “downtown area” of the time, the Southern Song Imperial Street.
  According to Xihu Youlanzhi (or West Lake Excursions), the ancient Southern Song Imperial Street was about 4.2 kilometers long, made of more than 10,000 stone slabs. It was then the political and commercial hub, and also a necessary route for the officials and nobles to travel in the imperial city.
  It is worth mentioning that the concept behind the renovation of the Southern Song Imperial Street is “urban revival”, for the seemingly dilapidated streets are believed to contain the value of urban culture and guard the soul of the city.
  Nowadays, the Southern Song Dynasty Imperial Street has become a cultural label of Hangzhou, and the well-preserved modern historical building complex a popular scenic spot for visitors to enjoy along the street.
  Similarly, thanks to the protective restoration of such neighborhoods and tourist attractions around the West Lake, its cultural genes have also been passed down from generation to generation, making the West Lake, as well as Hangzhou, what it is today.
常山位于浙江省西部,是闽浙赣皖四省边际区的中心城市。全县总面积1099平方公里,县域生态环境优良,森林覆盖率73.2%,常年空气质量保持在二级以上,出境水水质常年保持Ⅱ类水以上标准,是国家重点生态功能区、浙江省重要生态屏障、中国最美乡村旅游目的地,有“千里钱塘江、最美在常山”的美誉。  徜徉三衢大地,无论身在何处,都仿佛置身于景区。常山最大的优势是生态优势,绿色是最大的底色。近年来,常山牢固树立“
我接到旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆当代艺术策展负责人艾比的一条短信:“张慈:你好,我想把你介绍给我们的馆长许杰,庆祝你女儿香奈儿 ·米勒的新馆初展。您的电子邮件是什么,(能否告知)以便我们进行会议设置?”  我回复之后,很快就收到了亚博馆的会议设置。  2020年9月24号星期四,纽约曼哈顿下午6点,我在Zoom 上与许杰馆长见面了。纽约傍晚的落日余晖照进我的客厅,窗外的树影在透明的光線中摇曳,此刻对世界
据史料记载,辣椒原产于中南美洲热带地区,原产国是墨西哥。公元15世纪至16世纪,欧洲的航海家们陆续开辟新航路,发现了美洲新大陆,使得原生于美洲大陆的辣椒传入世界其他地区。16世纪末,中国正处于开放海禁的明代后期(隆庆至万历年间),与欧洲商人的贸易使得辣椒经海路进入中国,并从东南沿海逐步向西北、西南内陆输送传播。  辣椒最早传入中国的时候并不是用来吃的,而是用来观赏的。清乾隆年间,辣椒最早作为一种蔬