Just as every Chinese people revere Mr. Sun Yat-sen, and every Soviet people admires every one of them, like Shi Tailin. Every Indian, regardless of religion and ethnicity, is equally venerated by Mr. Nehru . In India he is a leader who is most beloved by the people in Gandhi. In recent years, under the courageous leadership of the All-Incal National Assembly, the All-Inclusive National Assembly has been making continuous use of various impetus and imperialist struggles. As recently as the ’new constitution’ promulgated and implemented by the British government, the National Assembly has fought its ineffectiveness by fighting the vast majority of the forces it holds in various provinces and instigating organized and united actions. Therefore, on the one hand, he is the warmest advocate of the three million people in India; on the other hand, he is also the most hated crux of the imperialists. He has jumped seven times in total before and after, and he spent seven years in prison