容国团不幸去世至今,转眼已过了36个寒暑。 关于容国团的故事,数十年来有过不少文章介绍,还有专集成书,字数短者数千,长者洋洋二十万。内容多为真实,但亦有与事实出入之处,甚至张冠李戴,或以讹传讹。 早在1955年,我便认识容国团,特别是他于1957年11月回国效力后的第一天,直至他离开人世,一直和他并肩作战,共事11载,一起夺得全国冠军,一起获得“运动健将”称号,一起参加世界比赛。所以对他比较了解。今天,我只想谈一些别人很少提及或没有报道过的事情。
Rongguo unfortunate death so far, an instant has passed 36 cold summer. On the story of the Yungoku Tuan, there have been many articles introduced over the past decades, as well as a collection of books written in the form of books with thousands of words of short duration and two hundred thousand of elderly people. Most of the content is true, but there are also discrepancies with the facts, or even mistaken identity, or corrupt. As early as 1955, I knew Rongguo Tuan, especially after he returned to China on the first day after returning to China in November 1957. He has been working side by side with him for 11 years and has won the national championship together Won the “Sportsmanship” title, together to participate in world competitions. So more understanding of him. Today, I just want to talk about some things rarely mentioned or reported by others.