黑木耳 我国人工栽培黑木耳已有1000多年的历史。由于生长季节、气候条件和采集方法不同,质量各异。黑木耳素有“素中之荤”的美名,其营养价值较高。黑木耳质嫩味美,可鲜食。干品以干燥、朵大、肉厚、黑亮者为佳。由于生长季节、气候条件和采集方法不同,质量各异。小署前采集的“春耳”质量好,朵大肉厚,水发性好;立秋后采的“秋耳”次之,朵形略小;小署后到立秋前采的“伏耳”最差,肉质较薄,大小不匀,水发性也差。黑木耳色泽暗褐,状似人耳,质
Black fungus cultivation of black fungus in our country has more than 1,000 years of history. Due to the growing season, different climatic conditions and collection methods, quality varies. Black marigold known as “the meat of the meat” reputation, its higher nutritional value. Black fungus tender and delicious, fresh food. Dried products to dry, big flower, flesh, black and bright are better. Due to the growing season, different climatic conditions and collection methods, quality varies. The “Spring Ear” collected by the SFD was of good quality, with a large flesh and thick water and good hair quality. The “Autumn Ear” Poor, thin meat, uneven size, water is also poor. Dark fungus dark brown color, like human ear, quality