麻师傅年轻时便已染上了乙型肝炎,肝脏轻度肿大,医师建议他定期到医院复查。然而很多年过去了,他并没有出现乙肝复发的任何征象。麻师傅见这病既不影响吃饭,也不影响工作,而且多次复查结果均正常,便放松了警惕,慢慢地竟把这病淡忘了。几十年过去了,麻师傅也到了退休的年龄,以为可以在家享几年清福了。谁知退休后不久,麻师傅突然感到右上腹部隐隐作痛,伴有上腹胀满。他没有一点食欲,进食量明显减少,身体眼看着消瘦。这现象引起了麻师傅及家人的警惕,他急忙到医院就诊。经 B 超、CT 等检查,最后确诊为肝癌,并已到了晚期,失去了手术及其他姑息疗法的机会。仅仅过了两个月,麻师傅便因一次大出血过早地离开了人世。其家人心情沉痛地说:真后悔没能坚持定期为他检查身体,没有能及早发现癌变。如能
Master Ma young have been infected with hepatitis B, mild liver enlargement, the doctor suggested that he regularly to the hospital for review. However, many years later, he did not show any signs of hepatitis B recurrence. Master Seeing the disease neither affect the meal nor affect the work, but repeated the results were normal, they relaxed their vigilance, slowly actually forget the disease forgotten. Decades have passed, Master Ma also reached the retirement age, that you can enjoy a few years at home, blessing. Who knows shortly after retirement, Master Ma suddenly felt a faint pain in the right upper abdomen, accompanied by abdominal fullness. He did not have a little appetite, food intake decreased significantly, the body looked emaciated. This phenomenon aroused the vigilance of Master Ma and his family, he hurried to the hospital. The B-, CT and other tests, the final diagnosis of liver cancer, and has reached an advanced stage, lost the opportunity for surgery and other palliative therapies. Just over two months, Master Ma left a premature death due to a major bleeding. The family said in pain: Sad regret did not insist on a regular basis for his examination of the body, failed to detect cancer as soon as possible. If you can