一 金瓶掣签是清中央确认蒙藏黄教大活佛的继承人的法定制度,就西藏来说,又是十八世纪末西藏政治事务上的一项最重要的改良措施。这个制度的创始,见于乾隆五十七年(1792年)八月二十七日(10月7日)的上谕。此后八个月间清廷关于西藏事务的指示中屡次提及。五十八年(1793年)四月十九日乾隆的谕旨和同时颁布的御制《喇嘛说》,则总结了创立这个制度的经过,赋予它以较完备的形态。
The drawing up of a gold bottle is the statutory system for the successor confirmation of the Great Living Buddha of Mongolian and Tibetan Buddhism by the Central Government. As far as Tibet is concerned, it is also one of the most important improvement measures in Tibet’s political affairs at the end of the 18th century. The founding of this system was set out in the 57th (1792) reign of Qianlong on August 27 (October 7). During the next eight months, the Qing government’s instructions on Tibet’s affairs were repeatedly mentioned. Fifty-eight years (April 1793) The imperial edict of Emperor Qianlong on April 19 and the concurrently proclaimed imperial “Lama said” summed up the process of establishing this system and gave it a more complete form.