劳动关系契约化是将劳动领域纳入法治进程的关键理念 ,而如何将劳动关系契约化与近代西方社会的私的 (契约化 )理论加以辨析是我国当前劳动法学乃至法律哲学的新课题。毋庸置疑 ,我国所进行的整体性改革并非是要“舶来”一些理念或制度 ,相反 ,和当代其他国家一样 ,我们也面临对劳动领域中契约化的再认识 ,易言之 ,调动法学的理论资源对崭新的社会化、现代化对传统法学所带来的冲击进行重新的理论整合。由此围绕着劳动关系的契约化进程的考察 ,本文主张利用从结果开始的一种新方法 ,力求对劳动法学理论及当代社会现实加以把握 ,从而真正满足来源于实践、服务于实践、指导实践的理论之客观性需求。
The contractualization of labor relations is the key concept that brings the field of labor into the process of rule of law. How to differentiate the contractual relationship between labor relations and the private (contractual) theory of modern Western society is a new topic in our current labor law and even legal philosophy. Undoubtedly, the overall reform carried out by our country is not about “going abroad” for some ideas or systems. On the contrary, like other contemporary countries, we are also confronted with the re-understanding of the contractualization in the field of labor. In other words, the theory of transferring jurisprudence Resources on the new socialization, modernization of the impact of traditional law brought a new theory of integration. Therefore, based on the investigation of the contractualization of labor relations, this paper advocates the use of a new method from the beginning of the result, trying to grasp the theory of labor law and the reality of contemporary society, so as to truly meet the needs of practice, service and practice The objectivity of the theory of demand.