内镜下甲状腺手术始于上世纪末,一般认为内镜下甲状腺切除术适用于良性肿瘤。多认为结节不应大于3~4 cm或腺体体积小于30 m L。随着医生经验的逐步积累和内镜技术的成熟与进步,内镜下手术的适应范围也被扩大。内镜手术的最终目的不是追求小的损伤,应以治疗为基础,不提倡盲目扩大手术适应证。Miccoli等~([1])也认为并不是所有的甲状腺疾病均适合行内镜下甲状腺手术。当然,对于刚开展微创外科的医生,最主要的是应根据自己所
Endoscopic thyroid surgery began in the last century, generally considered endoscopic thyroidectomy for benign tumors. Many think nodules should not be greater than 3 ~ 4 cm or gland volume less than 30 m L. With the gradual accumulation of doctor’s experience and the maturity and progress of endoscopic techniques, the scope of endoscopic surgery has also been expanded. The ultimate goal of endoscopic surgery is not the pursuit of small injuries, should be treated as the foundation, do not advocate the blind expansion of surgical indications. Miccoli et al. ([1]) also consider that not all thyroid diseases are suitable for endoscopic thyroidectomy. Of course, the most important thing for doctors who have just started minimally invasive surgery should be based on their own