
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckybxr
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To investigate the effect of low energy ion implantation on maize pollen germination and cytosolic Ca2+ distribution during pollen germination process, the argon ion (Ar+) with energy of 30 keV, dose of 0.78 ×1015-13×1015 ion/cm2 was implanted into maize pollen by irradiation, and the germination of pollen and cytosolic Ca2+ distribution during pollen germination process of the Ar+ implanted pollen were studied. The results showed that when been irradiated with Ar+ with dose of 5.2×1015 ion/cm2, the germination rate of maize pollen increased remarkably, while implantation of ions with dose exceeding 5.2×1015 ion/cm2 sharply decreased the germination rate of maize pollen. Meanwhile, tracing of esterified Ca2+ fluorescence probe fluo-3 AM for intact pollen showed that variation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration was consistent with the change of pollen fertility. The dynamics of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration caused by low energy ion implantation may be concluded as the initial effects of pollen germination. To investigate the effect of low energy ion implantation on maize pollen germination and cytosolic Ca2 + distribution during pollen germination process, the argon ion (Ar +) with energy of 30 keV, dose of 0.78 × 1015-13 × 1015 ion / cm2 was implanted into maize pollen by irradiation, and the germination of pollen and cytosolic Ca2 + distribution during pollen germination process of the Ar + implanted pollen were studied. The results was that when been irradiated with Ar + with dose of 5.2 × 1015 ion / cm2, the germination rate of maize pollen increased remarkably, while implantation of ions with dose exceeding 5.2 × 1015 ion / cm2 sharply decreased the germination rate of maize pollen. Meanwhile, tracing of esterified Ca2 + fluorescence probe fluo-3 AM for intact pollen showed that variation of cytosolic Ca2 + concentration was consistent with the change of pollen fertility. The dynamics of cytosolic Ca2 + concentration caused by low energy ion implantation may be concluded as the initial effects of pollen germination.
学生对英语的学习兴趣,直接关系到英语教学的成功。为什么越来越多的学生英语学习变得应付了事?为什么越来越多的学生变得“谈英色变”?这些都是让所有的英语教师既头痛又急需解决的问题。针对这些问题,在实际教学中我注重培养学生的学习兴趣,运用多种手段、多种方式,有目的地组织教学,让学生始终处于最佳的学习状态。  一、幽默轻松活跃的课堂气氛是激发学生学习兴趣的关键  幽默能使人忘记疲劳,增强记忆,它是缓解心理
目的 研究慢性精神分裂症患者家庭关怀度及护理策略.方法 选取2017年10月—2019年5月医院收治的60例慢性精神病患者,设为研究组,并在同时期选取60例正常人,设为对照组,使用家
摘 要: 落实新课程理念,把理念与地方实际结合起来,把体育课堂从课内向课外的第二课堂延伸,采取让学生感兴趣的方式有创意地展开训练,并用中考体育的反馈信息有针对性地指导教学,就能在培养学生能力,提高学生的学习成绩。  关键词: 体育教学 学生能力 培养方法  随着新的课程标准的出台,学校体育教学的指导思想必然发生巨大的变化。在“一种思想、两种理念”指引下,教师要以技能教学为载体,把运动参与、身体健康
眼神,言下之意就是眼睛传神,是一种非语言表达的艺术,是课堂教学中的一种无声语言,教师可有效地传递信息和表达情意,可拉近师生之间的距离。艺术地使用眼神可有效地组织教学,改善师生关系,使教学收到事半功倍的效果。  一、用眼神组织课堂教学。  当老师站在讲台前,就直直地看一个地方,目光显得很呆板,毫无生气,这样不会收到良好效果,要面对学生充满自信和信心,要用活泼热情的眼神告诉学生自己的知识有多渊博,向他
铁皮石斛为兰科植物铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo)的干燥茎,是我国药食两用名贵中药材之一,具有益胃生津,滋阴清热之功效,享有“中华九大仙草之首”之美誉。铁皮石斛在我国主要分布于安徽、浙江、湖南、云南等地,其中安徽霍山铁皮石斛又名万丈须,生长条件极为苛刻,作为安徽省道地药材一直倍受社会各界的关注,被历代研究者奉为是石斛中的上品,近年来关于霍山铁皮石