Team sports

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  Now, more and more people like doing sports which can make them feel relaxed and energetic. Doing sports is a healthy lifestyle and it can build up our body. Do you prefer team sports or individual sports? Team sports are a kind of sports which need each player work together, such as football, basketball and baseball. With the improvement the awareness of team work, team sports are more and more popular. Compared with team sports, individual sports emphasize personal interest but they ignore the importance of cooperation. Team sports can improve people’s awareness of cooperation and open-mindedness.
  Whatever you do, cooperation is the important factor. Team sports are good choice and you can develop the ability of cooperating through them. In “why China needs soccer and team sports” (China Daily, May 26, 2015), for a sports team, every player is important and they should learn to cooperate with each other and share their experience and something inspiring rather than only lay the greatest emphasis on their own interests. Eventually, they will learn mediation, judgment, foresight and to take the responsibility to do something they are requested through team sports. In a team, players know they may not the fastest or the strongest, but they are sure that they have the special skills which others don’t have. They know the selves and other team members’ advantages and disadvantages. So, they can enjoy and cooperate with each other better and form an inspiring consciousness of cohesion in sports. They not only help people know how to cooperate with others but also develop people’s ability of leading. People can lead and cooperate with team members during a sport competition.
  Another reason is team sports can improve people’s open-mindedness. Open-mindedness is generally considered an important ability for effective participation in a team. Firstly, in a team, people can take contingent measures according to the emergency and they can give some advance advice for team. In other words, team sports can develop people’s imagination and creation. They can make team members think more, inspire their potential and improve their ability of solving problems. Secondly, team sports can make people develop their communication ability. On one hand, they can improve the communication ability. For example, when team members have different opinions in a competition or train, they need to communicate with each other to express their own opinions and they have to choose the best measure to take. With the communication skills learnt in team sports, people can communicate with their peers better and people can communicate with their peers better and avoid unnecessary contradictions. On the other hand, they can improve the communication ability between coaches and athletes. If athletes want to achieve, they must communicate with their coach to ask for advice. It’s very important that coach and athlete have a better understanding in communication management. If they don’t have effective communication, athletes will don’t have progress and coaches don’t have achievement. Communication helps in making a person feel accepted and enhances the capability in creating a relationship that helps in improving one’s self-respect (Aznan 6).
  [1]Aznan, Ellail Ain Mohd, et al. The Relationships between Communication Management and Coach-Athlete Relationship among Sport Team Athletes in Perlis[J]. E-BANGI Journal, vol. 13, no. 1, Jan, 2018:1-9. EBSCOhost,
  [2]Search. ebscohost.
【摘要】思政课程是一种全新的、综合的教学理念,其根本任务是“立德树人”,它融入各类课程之中。大学英语是一门讲授西方语言文化的公共基础学科,兼有工具性、人文性和思辨性,它既是语言学习、文化交流的桥梁,也是意识形态建设的前沿。本文以《新编大学基础英语》第二册第一单元“Concrete Jungle”的教学为例,从中国优秀传统文化传承、世界文化传播和时代精神体现三个维度分析探索思政元素怎样融入和迁移到大
【Abstract】In recent years, the scale of China’s master’s enrollment has been expanding, and the issue of further improving its English teaching level is imminent.Aiming at the problems existing in the
【摘要】本文以“支架式教学”理论为基础,介绍了《体验英语听说》课程教学的改革与创新思路。该课程以学生为中心,以任务和项目为基础,以情境体验为手段,引导学生感受英语魅力,锻炼英语实用交际技能,同时培养团队精神并提升职业素养。  【关键词】英语听说教学;课程改革;情境体验  【作者简介】苏娜,北京政法职业学院。  一、英语听说教学现状  目前,学生在学习英语的过程中缺乏真实的语言环境,难以自如地进行语
【摘要】小学英语新课程标准强调要努力培养小学生的听说读写能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,加强基础词汇教学,重视读写结合,养成良好的读写习惯。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂教学;写作能力;培养路径  【作者简介】郭正浩,江苏省淮安市富士康实验小学。  在小学英语的教学过程中,教师必须要注重学生的基本写作能力的提升教学。写作能力的高低在小学英语的学习过程中是学生英语学习状况基本体现形式之一,同时也是学生进一步
【摘要】课堂话语指教学过程中,师生间的交流与互动,是师生意义协商的主要途径。本文基于情境认知理论,以情境引题、意义协商和知识迁移三个角度对两位全国高中英语教学大赛获奖两位教师的课堂话语进行分析,并提出教师在课堂上创设有意义情境应该以学习者的心理认知为基础;以问题为导向;以学习者的体验感为重要参考值,以期对提高中学生英语教师课堂话语表达与课堂互动等方面提供借鉴。  【关键词】情境认知理论;教师课堂话
【摘要】本文以社会文化理论为视角,结合大学英语听说教学的特点,将动态评估引入大学英语听说教学中。大学英语听说教学的动态评估贯穿课前、课中和课后的三个教学环节,促使教学和评估有机统一;通过教师的干预、介入指导及师生、生生间的积极互动来探索学生的最近发展区,促进学生听说能力的提高。  【关键词】大学英语听说教学;社会文化理论;动态评估  【作者简介】陈焱,昆明理工大学津桥学院。  近年来,随着大学英语
新课程倡导各科教师重视课程资源的开发,在教学过程中做到“用教材教”,而不是“教教材”。在品德与社会课程教学中,笔者对此进行了尝试,体会颇丰。    一、“用教材教”要求教师有敏感的生活触觉    品德与社会课程的学习目标和内容安排决定了老师在教学中要密切联系社会实际,具有开阔的视野及敏感的生活触觉,及时捕捉、补充鲜活的课程资源。比如北师大版《品德与社会》六年级上册教材安排了诚信教育的内容,其中列举
【摘要】社会主义核心价值观是社会主义先进文化的代表,也是检验大学生道德品质的重要标准之一。作为社会主义的接班人,大学生不仅要掌握知识,也应具备符合时代要求的道德品质。大学英语课堂就是传播社会主义核心价值观的重要桥梁。本研究旨在探索如何在英语课堂中融入德育教育,以便大学生成为一名德才兼备的新时代人才。  【关键词】社会主义核心价值观; 德育教育; 大学生  【作者简介】王晋(1998.09.17-)
【摘要】小学英语写作序列化是测试大多数小学生英语综合能力的一个项目。它要求学生掌握大量的词汇和语法知识,同时需要较强的逻辑能力和清晰的思维。为使小学英语写作序列化实践变得高效率,本文将结合序列化教学模式,探寻出一条能让教师高效地进行英语写作教学、学生高效地进行英语写作的途径。  【关键词】小学英语;写作能力;英语教学;写作序列化实践  【作者简介】宋贤芬,溧阳市外国语小学。  小学英语顺序写作教学