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丁酉年春夏之交,作者先后考察或访谈安徽池州腾虎、湖南浏阳中大和深圳帝光等重型机械设备制造企业。中国经济转型以来,民营经济从萌生到发展,从国营、集体、民营三足鼎立,到国营集体与民营平分天下,其间经历了数不清的艰难陂陀。触摸宽大厂房里的现代设备、数控机床,以及生产出来的重型压路机、铺路机等,那份震撼与惊奇,难以言述。如果说改革开放初期如安徽傻子瓜子之类的个体户或倒爷,是中国第一代私营业者,如果说改革开放发展前期,邓小平南巡讲话前土生土长的浙江海盐衬衫厂步鑫森等侪的厂长,是中国第二代集体或民营经济者,那么,紧随其后登上中国实业舞台,不管是出师未捷身先死的陈启方,还是他们的先辈姚老师、赵老师,不管是他的同学帅可力、宋宏,还是他们的同事潘韶东、邓庆华等,就理所当然地成为中国第三代民营企业家。他们是“文革”后,在中国制造业接受高等学校正规机械理论设计或实践操作训练的第一代人。他们是真正意义上的智识型、成熟型实体企业家,是中国重型机械设备发明制造的先行者,是实干兴邦的“中国制造”者。他们有担当心,有责任感,他们是真正撑起中国民族工业的脊梁。 At the turn of the year of DingYi, the author successively inspected or interviewed Anhui Huizhou Tenghu, Hunan Liuyang Zhongda and Shenzhen DIC and other heavy machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises. Since the transition of economy in China, the private economy has developed from its initiation to development. From the three pillars of state-run enterprises, collectives and private-owned people, the state-owned collectives and private enterprises have equally divided the world. Throughout this period, the private economy has experienced countless hardships. Touch the spacious factory in the modern equipment, CNC machine tools, as well as the production of heavy-duty roller, paver, share that shock and surprise, it is difficult to say. If the reform and opening up such as Anhui idiot melon seeds such as self-employed or pour God, is China’s first generation of private operators, if the early stages of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour before the speech native of Zhejiang Haiyan shirt factory Step Xin Sen peer factory Long, is China’s second generation of collective or privately-run economy, then, followed by China’s industrial arena, whether it is Chen Qi-fang who is not a successor to death, or their ancestors Yao, Zhao, whether his Students handsome, Song Hong, or their colleagues Pan Shaodong, Deng Qinghua, etc., of course, to become China’s third-generation private entrepreneurs. After they were the Cultural Revolution, they were the first generation in China that received training in the design or practice of formal mechanical theory in higher education institutions. They are truly intellectual and mature real entrepreneurs. They are the forerunners of the invention of heavy machinery and equipment in China and are the “Made in China” people who work hard. They have a sense of responsibility and sense of responsibility. They are the real backbone of China’s national industry.
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I graduated from Peking University in 1962 where I followed acourse in English language and literature. I was chosen as an assistantlecturer at my alma mater.