改革给企业档案管理带来的影响及存在的主要问题 1、在改革过程中档案的交接缺乏约束机制,造成档案资料的遗失和断档。在企业改革或重组的操作程序中,对撤、并或整体划转的单位,其人、财、物的交接都有比较具体的规定,而档案如何交接,缺乏具体的实施细则或规定,致使部分撤、并单位的档案,或有一定价值的档案资料,仍有留在部分管理人员或管理机关的有关人员手中。如果这些人员面临下岗分流、重新就业的选择,势必无瑕顾及档案的整理移交.档案管理单位也只是收多少算多少、交什么接什么,致使能够显现这些撤、
The impact of the reform on enterprise archives management and its major problems 1. In the course of reform, the lack of a binding mechanism for the transfer of archives has resulted in the loss and interruption of archives. In the process of enterprise reform or reorganization, there are more specific regulations for the transfer of people, money, and goods to units that are withdrawn or transferred, and how the files are handed over and lack specific implementation rules or regulations. Partial withdrawal, and the unit’s files, or archives with a certain value, still remain in the hands of some of the managers or the relevant authorities. If these personnel are faced with the choice of being laid off and diverted and re-employed, they will inevitably have to take care of the consolidation and transfer of archives. The file management unit will only collect as much money as it can, and what will be passed on, so that these withdrawals can be shown.