公司主导产品 一.公司新开发的RIMS色缘子实时监测系统,是一项填补国内空白的新产品,该产品主要用于监测运行绝缘子表面的泄漏电流的大小,以此来判断绝缘子外表面的污秽情况和污秽的附盐密度,通过测量传感器将监测到的绝缘子外表面的泄漏电流,经过A/D转换后,通过移动通信网传输到主站,由计算机系统进行汇总、分析、报警并及时通知有关人员,从而使输电线路上绝缘子的运行状况得到全天候实时监测,可及时发现零值绝缘子,有效预防污闪事故的发生。RIMS绝缘子实时监测系统的诞生,填补了我国在该监测领域的空白,该系统以其新颖、独特的设计思路一举获得四项国家发明专利。系统发明专利号:02151623.5、测量金具专利号:02341875.3、测量金具专利号:02341885.0、测量传感器专利号:02256364.4。
Company-leading products I. The newly developed RIMS color detector real-time monitoring system is a new product to fill gaps in the country, the product is mainly used to monitor the size of the leakage current running insulator surface, in order to determine the insulator surface Contamination and contamination of the salt density, through the measurement of the sensor will monitor the leakage current insulator surface, after A / D conversion, through the mobile communication network transmission to the main station, by the computer system summary, analysis, alarm and timely Inform the relevant personnel, so that the operation status of the insulator on the transmission line can be monitored on a real-time basis around the clock, the zero-value insulator can be found in time, and the pollution flashover accident can be effectively prevented. The birth of RIMS insulator real-time monitoring system has filled the gap in the field of monitoring in our country. The system has won four national invention patents with its novel and unique design ideas. System invention patent number: 02151623.5, measurement of gold patent number: 02341875.3, measuring gold patent number: 02341885.0, measuring sensor patent number: 02256364.4.