目的了解云南省疾病监测点居民死因分布特点,为综合防治提供依据。方法凡2015年发生在疾病监测点的常住人口死亡个案均由辖区内各级医疗机构工作人员按要求填写《居民死亡医学证明(推断)书》,并通过国家人口死亡信息登记管理系统进行网络直报和审核,下载审核无误的监测点2015年网络直报死亡数据进行清理汇总,通过死亡率、构成比、潜在减寿年数(PYLL)、减寿率(PYLLR)、期望寿命等指标分析云南省居民死亡和减寿的主要原因。结果 2015年云南省疾病监测点报告死亡总数57 845例,死亡率608.92/10万(标化死亡率为653.88/10万),男性高于女性;前5位死因顺位依次为脑血管病、呼吸系统疾病、心脏病、恶性肿瘤和伤害,占全死因的81.67%;恶性肿瘤、伤害和脑血管病的减寿顺位位居前3位,减寿率依次为11.61‰、10.44‰和9.12‰,是造成云南省疾病监测点居民寿命损失的主要疾病;居民人均期望寿命为76.15岁,去除前5位死因的影响,居民期望寿命提高了10.94岁。结论慢性非传染性疾病(慢性病)是构成监测点居民死亡的主要原因,恶性肿瘤和伤害是监测点青壮年过早死亡(早亡)的主要原因,慢性病和伤害是威胁该省监测点居民健康、影响人均期望寿命的重要因素,政府应将其纳入疾病预防控制规划,进行有效干预。
Objective To understand the distribution of death causes of residents in disease surveillance sites in Yunnan Province and provide evidence for comprehensive prevention and treatment. Methods All deaths of resident population at the disease surveillance sites in 2015 were completed by the medical staff of medical institutions at all levels within the jurisdiction as required. The book of medical certificate of death by inhabitants (inference) was completed and passed through the National Registration System for Death Information Registry Report and audit, download audit sites without compromise 2015 online direct reports of death data were collected and analyzed by indicators of mortality, composition ratio, potential years of life lost (PYLL), life expectancy (PYLLR), life expectancy and other indicators of Yunnan Province The main cause of death and longevity of residents. Results A total of 57 845 deaths were reported at disease surveillance sites in Yunnan Province in 2015, with a mortality rate of 608.92 / 100,000 (the standardized mortality rate was 653.88 / 100,000). Men were higher than women. The top five causes of death were cerebrovascular diseases, Respiratory diseases, heart diseases, malignancies and injuries, accounting for 81.67% of all causes of death; malignant tumors, injuries and cerebrovascular disease ranked the first three longevity, the rate of longevity were 11.61 ‰, 10.44 ‰ and 9.12 ‰, which is the major cause of loss of life expectancy of residents at the disease surveillance sites in Yunnan Province. The average life expectancy of residents is 76.15 years old. After removing the top five causes of death, residents expect their life expectancy increased by 10.94 years. Conclusion Chronic noncommunicable diseases (chronic diseases) are the main cause of death among residents in the monitoring sites. Malignancy and injuries are the main causes of premature death (premature death) in young and middle-aged adolescents. Chronic diseases and injuries are threatening the health of residents in the monitoring points of the province , An important factor affecting the life expectancy per capita, the government should incorporate it into disease prevention and control programs and make effective interventions.