目前 ,有的党委成员在党委集体决策中 ,存在“自负心理”、“自卑心理”、“从众心理”、“逆反心理”和“侥幸心理” ,它不仅直接影响着党委议事质量和决策水平 ,也影响着党委决策科学化、民主化的进程。因此 ,各级党委应当高度重视 ,采取相应的措施 ,努力矫正党委集体决策中的各种心理障碍 ,以逐步适应党委决策科学化、民主化的要求。
At present, some party members have “self-confidence”, “inferiority complex”, “herding psychology”, “rebellious mentality” and “lucky psychology” in the collective decision-making of Party committees. This not only directly affects the quality of party committees’ deliberations and decision-making, It also affects the process of scientific decision-making and democratization of party committees. Therefore, party committees at all levels should attach great importance to them and take appropriate measures to rectify various psychological obstacles in the party committees’ collective decision-making in order to gradually meet the requirements of a scientific and democratized party committees.