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1996 年10 月, 海天出版社推出一部长篇小说, 书名曰《花季·雨季》。这部小说一问世, 立即在青少年中引起强烈反响。有的说它是“青春的宣言”, 有的说它是“青春诗歌”, 有的说它是“青春变奏曲”。许多青少年认为: “ 《花季·雨季》才是真正属于我们自己的书。” “读它, 就像读自己, 读自己的心, 读一个完完全全解剖了的自我。”一位14 岁的少女说: “我静静地看完了这本书, 无声无息, 但泪, 已不知何时悄悄落下, 打湿了桌面。蓦然间, 我似乎明白了很多, 很多。”《花季·雨季》不胫而走, 在第七届全国书市成了第一畅销书。从1996 年10 月到1998 年7 月的一年零九个月时间里, 竟印了15 次, 总印数达39 万册。当年, 《花季·雨季》荣获1996 年度中宣部“五个一工程”奖。次年, 又赢得国家图书奖提名奖的殊荣。作者郁秀, 是一位高中学生, 她从16 岁开始创作, 那时还是高中一年级学生, 脱稿时, 姑娘18 岁, 正好高中毕业。中国作协书记处书记高洪波读罢小说, 抑制不住内心的喜悦, 欣慰地说: “少年中存在着一批可以造就的文学人才, 使我们看到了新一代有能力也有实力填补小说的空白。”一位大学教授感慨地说: 我国现在每年要出版50? In October 1996, Haitian Publishing House launched a novel entitled “Flowering and Rainy Season.” As soon as this novel came out, it immediately aroused strong repercussions among young people. Some say it is “a declaration of youth,” while others say it is “youth poetry,” while others say it is “youth variation.” Many teens think: “The season of flowers and rainy weather is truly our own book.” “Reading it is like reading yourself, reading your heart and reading a completely self-dissected self.” A 14-year-old Girl said: “I quietly read the book, silent, but tears, I do not know when quietly down, wet the desktop. Suddenly, I seem to understand a lot, a lot.” “Seasons” Spread like wildfire, became the first bestseller in the Seventh National Book Market. From October 1996 to July 1998, it took 15 prints in a year and a half with a total print volume of 390,000 copies. That year, “Flower and Rainy Season” won the 1996 “Proposal of the Five-One Project” by the Central Propaganda Department. The following year, also won the National Book Award nomination award. Author Yu Xiu, a high school student, started her writing at the age of 16, when she was still a freshman in high school. At the time of writing, the girl was 18 and graduated from high school. Gao Hongbo, secretary of the Chinese Writers Association Secretariat, can not suppress the joy of his heart. He said happily: "There are a number of literary talents that young people can create that enable us to see a new generation of people who are capable and capable of filling the gap in fiction. A university professor said with emotion: China now has 50 published a year?
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