自1981年全球发现第一例艾滋病患者以来,截至2011年底,全球共有艾滋病感染者3400万人,仅2011年新增艾滋病感染者为250万,死亡170万[1]。艾滋病已成为当今全球面临的重大公共卫生问题之一[2]。截至2011年底,我国累计报告艾滋病病毒感染者和病人为44.5万例,2011年报告的新发艾滋病病毒感染者数为39 183例。已有的研究提示,HIV经注射吸毒传播占48.6%;静脉注射吸毒者(injection Drug User,IDU)的增加和共用注射器吸毒又是近年来我国吸毒人群HIV流行的主要
Since the first case of AIDS was discovered in the world in 1981, as of the end of 2011, there were 34 million AIDS-infected people in the world. In 2011 alone, there were 2.5 million newly-infected people and 1.7 million deaths [1]. AIDS has become one of the major public health problems facing the world today [2]. As of the end of 2011, a total of 445,000 HIV-infected persons and patients were reported in our country and 39,183 new HIV-infected persons were reported in 2011. Previous studies have suggested that 48.6% of HIV transmission by injecting drug use is taking place. The increase of injecting drug users (IDU) and sharing of syringes with injecting syringes are also the major HIV epidemics among drug addicts in China in recent years