针对压水堆核电机组采用新蒸汽再热的特点 ,经过详细的理论分析和数学推导 ,提出了压水堆二回路加热器抽汽效率和新蒸汽再热特性系数 ,利用其得出了纯热量和带工质热量进出热力系统的定量分析法则 ,建立了压水堆二回路的热力系统经济性定量分析的数学模型 ,从而为优化设计、经济运行及经济性诊断提供了一套概念清晰、计算简捷的压水堆核电机组二回路的经济性定量分析理论。实例计算验证了该模型的准确性
According to the characteristics of new steam reheating of PWR nuclear power generation unit, after theoretical analysis and mathematical derivation, the coefficient of extraction efficiency and new steam reheat characteristic of PWR second-loop heater are put forward, and the pure heat And the quantitative analysis rule of heat input and output with thermal system of working fluid, the mathematical model of quantitative analysis of the thermodynamic system of the second circuit of PWR is established, which provides a clear set of concepts for the optimization design, economic operation and economic diagnosis. Economical Quantitative Analysis Theory for Simple Secondary PWR Nuclear Power Plant. The calculation of the example verifies the accuracy of the model