香椿又名椿芽,是我国特有的传统佳蔬,营养价值名列蔬菜前茅,是绿色无公害食品。近几年,随着商品经济和林业的发展,香椿栽培范围不断扩大,现将香椿种子育苗技术作以介绍: 1 育苗前种子处理种子在播种前可用温水浸泡15~20个小时,再捞出用清水泡10个小时,倒出后在温度20~25℃下催芽。在此范围内,温度越高,发芽越快,催芽时每天用温水冲洗一次,种子有1/3裂口后与细沙对半混合可播种。
Toona sinensis, also known as Chunya, is a unique traditional Chinese vegetables, vegetables ranked the forefront of nutritional value, is a green pollution-free food. In recent years, with the development of commodity economy and forestry, the scope of cultivation of toon is constantly expanding. Now introduce the technology of Toona sinensis seed nursery: 1 Seed treatment of seed before seedling can be immersed in warm water for 15 ~ 20 hours before sowing, then remove Bubble with water for 10 hours, after pouring at a temperature of 20 ~ 25 ℃ germination. In this range, the higher the temperature, the faster the germination, irrigation with lukewarm water once a day when germination, the seed has 1/3 rips and fine sand mixed with semi-sowing.