1 社区药房1.1 什么是社区药房 药房开设在医院之外(多在居民聚居地或商业繁华区),面向广大消费者,以调剂处方药或销售非处方药为主要内容的药品零售商店。1.2 社区药房的一般特征 ①是药品流通的组成部分及最终环节;②服务对象:
1 Community Pharmacy 1.1 What is a Community Pharmacy Pharmacies are opened outside the hospital (mostly inhabited areas or commercial downtown), for the vast number of consumers to adjust the prescription drugs or sales of non-prescription drugs as the main content of the drug retail stores. 1.2 The general characteristics of community pharmacies ① is part of the pharmaceutical circulation and the final link; ② clients: