抽象表现主义是二次大战之后在美国兴起的一种艺术流派 ,后来流传到欧洲。在二次大战期间 ,一些欧洲艺术家为了躲避战争 ,来到美国从事艺术活动。虽说他们的艺术观念和表现方法不同 ,但可以把他们的艺术创作领域分成两种艺术倾向。一种是行动派 ,强调笔触 ,讲究手法的凝重和施?
Abstract Expressionism was an art genre rising in the United States after the Second World War and was later spread to Europe. During the Second World War, some European artists came to the United States for artistic activities in order to avoid the war. Although their artistic concepts and performance methods are different, their artistic creation can be divided into two artistic tendencies. One is a movement, emphasizing brush strokes, pay attention to the dignified practices and methods?