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我们介绍马卡宁的小说《当“侍从”的人》,是为了让读者对当前在苏联文艺界引起争论的所谓“四十岁一代作家”和他们的创作有些感性认识。这篇小说在苏联当代文学中成功地塑造了一个新的形象——当“侍从”的人。这种人生就“一副善于弯曲的脊椎”,“习惯于谨慎小心”,他们不是靠自己勤勤恳恳的劳动生活,而是靠对上司察颜观色、曲意奉承过日子,得意时趾高气扬,失宠时失魂落魄。作品用一种精细的、略带幽默的讽刺笔法,着重描绘了当“侍从”的人失宠后复杂痛苦的心情,揭示了这种人既可鄙又可悲的性格及其心理特征。小说去年(《十月》杂志第三期)发表后,引起普遍关注,成为评论界热烈议论的作品。评论认为这是一出“当代小官吏的悲喜剧”,作家“准确而辛辣地刻划了现代消费者和市侩的又一变种——当‘侍从’的人的心理。”还有的评论指出,“马卡宁集中注意考察了人性萎缩这一危险现象”,“这是文学提出的非常及时的社会警告”。作者弗拉基米尔·马卡宁是“四十岁一代作家”的代表人物,1940年生,毕业于哈尔科夫铁道学院,曾任大学数学教师,现住莫斯科。六十年代初开始发表作品,处女作为自传性小说《直线》(1965)。他的创作以中短篇为主,已出版的小说集有《老镇的故事》、《围绕肖像所发生的事》(1978)、《克留恰列夫和阿里穆什金》(1979),《在冬天的道路上》、《在大城市里》(1980)等。发表在刊物上的中篇有《蓝的和红的》、《头一口气》、《业余消遣》、《声音》、《湍急的河流》,《先驱》、《士兵和士兵的妻子》等。苏联评论界对马卡宁的创作有不同的看法。有的称赞他是“著名的、受欢迎的作家,精细的修辞家,心理分析的能手,是我们文学中契诃夫流派的直接继承者。”也有的批评他的作品缺乏道德理想,缺乏“闪光”的生活,主人公大都“随波逐流”,因此叙述的风格就显得有些“拖泥带水”。 We introduce Makanin’s novels as a “servant” in order to give readers some sense of perception about the so-called “generation of 40-generation writers” who are currently controversial in the literary and art circles in the Soviet Union and their creations. The novel succeeded in shaping a new image in Soviet contemporary literature - as a “servant”. This life is “a good at bending the spine”, “used to be cautious”, they are not working hard by their diligent work, but by the supervisor Yan Yen, bent on flattering life, proud when arrogance, Out of favor when distraught. In a fine, slightly satirical style of satirical writing, the work focuses on the complex and painful mood of the “servant” when he is out of favor, revealing both his despicable and sad character and his psychological traits. After the publication of the novel last year (the third issue of October Magazine), it attracted widespread attention and became a heated discussion in critics. Critics argue that this is a “tragic comedy of contemporary bureaucrats,” in which writers “accurately and spicyly characterize yet another variety of modern consumers and marketplaces - the mentality of the ’attendants.’” Others point out that “ ”Markin focused his attention on the dangerous phenomenon of human atrophy,“ ”This is a very timely social warning put forward by the literature.“ Author Vladimir Macanin is a ”forty generation writer“ representative, born in 1940, graduated from the Kharkov Railway Institute, former university mathematics teacher, now lives in Moscow. Works began to be published in the early 1960s, with virginity as the ”straight line“ of autobiographical novel (1965). His works are mainly short and medium-length, and published novels include The Story of the Old Town, Things Around the Portrait (1978), Kliucharev and Alimoshkin (1979) ”On the road to winter“, ”In the big city“ (1980) and so on. Published in the publication of the midfielder ”blue and red“, ”breath“, ”amateur pastime“, ”sound“, ”rapids“, ”pioneer“, ”soldier and soldier’s wife“ and so on. Soviet commentators have different views on Makanin’s creation. Some praised him as ”a famous and popular writer, a fine rhetorician and a psychoanalytic successor who is the immediate successor to the Chekhov school in our literature.“ Others criticize his work for lack of moral ideal and lack of ” Flash “life, most of the characters” drift “, so the narrative style appears to be some” sloppy. "
那些女孩儿的秘密,原本都藏在属于一个人的闺房里。而本季,无需独自回味,它们早就成为各大品牌琳琅配饰的灵感来源,招摇在橱窗里呢。 The secrets of those girls were orig
1959年,Taylor、Sehwartz等在恶性贫血者体内发现了内因子抗体(IFA)以来,推断萎缩性胃炎在自体也有自家免疫机制,1962年Irvine、Taylor 等都发现了胃壁细胞抗体(PC-A-pariet