脍炙人口、遐迩闻名的边陲风情——云南“十八怪”当中,有着妙不可言,令人拍案叫绝的两怪;一曰“粑粑叫饵块”;二曰“油条炸成圈圈卖”。然正是此两怪的珠联璧合,方才组成了春城昆明最传统的饮食文化——“烧饵块油条”。 配料之一——“油条”这东西,中国大地时时可见,东南西北处处皆有,该当极其普通、极其简单,而又极其古老。宋代词人苏轼曾赋诗一首赞颂它:“纤手搓来
Well-known, far and near the famous edge 陲 style - Yunnan “Eighteen strange” among them, has fantastic, it is a rage of two strange; one said “粑 粑 called bait block”; However, it is precisely this perfect combination of the two weird, just formed the most traditional Spring Kunming food culture - “burning bait fritters.” One of the ingredients - “fried dough sticks” This thing, the Chinese land can be seen from time to time, everywhere in the southeast, northwest, should be extremely ordinary, extremely simple, but extremely ancient. Su Shi, a songwriter of the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem praising it: "Slender hands rub